I'm sure there are hundreds of blogs out there on the subject. Do you have to participate in the SAP Community to be welcome? NO, nope, nien, non.. Well you get it. No you don't have to participate. I would love you too. As I enjoy different view points and ideas. But I would guess the majority of the SAP community are lurkers. And that's OK. Those of us who post just like that you have read something we have written. I think that
susan.keohan had written / said somewhere "That typing something on SAP is better than talking to my dogs. They really don't care about SAP. " I agree. Although I think my cat may like what I have to say about SAP. He does seem to like watching me type.
In Michelle's handy, dandy words. Who is a lurker?
"It's a person who knows a lot. A person who is just starting. A person who has a "real" job and not a lot of time after getting the answer to their question. A person who doesn't want to ask that first question in case they are ridiculed. A person whose blog was rejected. They are people struggling with this platform. And...".
Am I asking you to change?
No. I'm celebrating the fact that you are out there. Thank you for stopping in and reading something of interest. Woohoo!
My thoughts
If you are a lurker. There is a reason. It's a very valid reason.
I could send you all to the personal branding blogs. There are a lot of those, and they are very good. In other words the same old thing is changing with technology. You want to be searchable for future opportunities.
Here are some - and I can't find the others - dang it, but please do a search if you find these interesting.
Managing your personal brand
Personal brand future success
Implementing Effective Branding
Women's Day Branding
IT Highway Personal Branding
My wishes
When the time is right - participate. Until then enjoy! The SAP Community is happy you are here. You are someone who actual has read this blog. And that's totally awesome for me! If you have some time - leave a comment, a different opinion, or just plain say hello. And yes just typing "hello" works.
BTW - it took me a while before I posted my very first question. SAP was so new back then, this was the only really great resource we had. Of course I looked on other SAP answering websites as well. This is just the best. I still believe it is the best.
Want to post, but don't know the rules?
In the comments from
jerry.janda, there is a link to
just about everything you want to know about the community. OK, not everything but the rules of engagement are there. It will help!