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It’s been 9 years for me to work at SAP Labs China since 20th Dec, 2004. When I look back, it’s been an amazing journey, with mixed feeling and rich experience. I have also witnessed the development of SAP Labs in China. Let me take you into the world of SAP Labs in China. I will write 2 blogs to introduce the SAP Labs China to you in this week.

A short overview about SAP in China

It’s well known that SAP was founded in 1972. However SAP had no customer in China until Shanghai Machine Tool Works Ltd signed the deal with SAP in 1992. Shanghai Machine Tool Works Ltd is the largest precision grinding machine manufacturer in China.

3 years later, 1995, SAP China was officially established.

Fast Facts of SAP Labs China

Firstly SAP set up R&D center in Shanghai in 1997. It was located in the downtown of Shanghai with SAP China sales and support team together. The main responsibility at that time for SAP R&D Center was localization.

SAP R&D Center was upgraded into SAP Labs China in 2003. In 2006, SAP Labs China‘s new campus was built  in Shanghai Pudong Software Park.

Now SAP has become the 3rd largest Labs out of Germany. There are 7 offices in China and Korea, which are Beijing, Chengdu, Dalian, Nanjing, Seoul, Shanghai and Xi’an. The products and solutions innovated and developed in SAP Labs China are selling in 150+ countries worldwide. 96% of employees are local talents. 4% of the employees are from 15 countries; 38% of the employees are female; 94% of the employees hold bachelor degree or above.

To be continued - Part 2