2025 Jan 02 7:07 PM
Dear all,
My name is Rogerio Toscano and I have been working with the implementation of SAP solutions for 27 years.
I´ve been assessing some processes in my current client to identify areas where I can use AI applications and automations to improve the business performance.
I have been using Process Intelligence to deal with it. However, I am not sure if I´ve been covering all possibilities.
Are there any other ways to assess business processes and identify bottlenecks where we can use AI solutions straight way?
Best Wishes,
2025 Jan 08 8:55 AM
Hi Rogerio, We have several on going beta programs for AI in Process intelligence for example Process Analyzer text to insights: to find relevant insights with just text inputs or another to find root causes behind certain performance issues. In case you are interested in the beta programs, you can reach out to us.
Additionally we have AI assisted process modelling capabilities to understand and get recommendations on best practice process models and metrics. https://help.sap.com/docs/signavio-process-collaboration-hub/user-guide/ai-enabled-search?locale=en-...
I hope this helps.
a month ago
Thank you very much!I am going to analyse these tools.
If I have any doubt, I let you know.
Best wishes,
Rogerio Toscano
Rogerio Toscano
2025 Jan 10 9:51 AM
Hi Rogerio,
you can also check the offering of our partner KYP.ai. You can find more information about synergies and integrations with SAP Signavio in this blog post and more information how to use KYP.ai to detect AI use case on their website.
Feel free to get in touch with me for further details.
Best regards
a month ago
Hi Manuel, thank you for your response.
I am going to explore kyp.ai in order to understand if I can apply it in my project.
If I have any doubt, I let you know.
Best wishes,
Rogerio Toscano
a month ago
Hello Manuel,
I have a question about this. What is the advantage of KYP.ai compared to SAP Process Intelligence as a mining tool with the future support of Joule? What is the difference?
Best regards,
4 weeks ago
Hi Christine,
thank you for your feedback. Process Intelligence uses event logs from the transactional systems. We can only analized what is happening there and present in the database. KYP.ai is looking on the frontend side (Task Mining / Productivity Mining) and can capture additional insights like switching between applications, idle time, etc. This is often more relevant for (Gen) AI opportunities compared to processes happening in the backend systems. Feel free to reach out for further details.
Best regards
4 weeks ago
Hi Manuel,
Thank you for your feedback. However, this would mean that SAP Intelligence alone would not be sufficient as a possible process mining tool to map a digital twin, as Intelligence does not fully map all insights and cannot run simulations. Do I understand that correctly? I would need KYP.AI for this, right? Does SAP have any other options for mapping simulations? Will the collaboration / integration of KYP.AI be further intensified in the near future?
Best regards,
4 weeks ago
Hi Christine,
thank you for your reply. It depends on your use case. KYP.ai is just one option if you want to consider task / productivity data. There are further dimensions possible, also with SAP tools. Another use case would be to use WalkMe (which belongs now to SAP) to get additional insights from user behaviour. SAP Signavio Process Intelligence is a Process Mining solution and focused on event logs coming from transactional systems. Depending on the insights you would like to consider, adjacent solution - or at least the data from them - could to be combined.