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What is SAP Service Level Agreement Credit Claim?

If the communicated availability of a Cloud System falls below the agreed-upon SAP Service Level Agreement (SLA), customers are eligible for a Credit Claim that would compensate the customer for unplanned downtime. 


SLA Credit Claim feature in SAP for Me

In the past customers had to manually collect and compile the relevant required information, resulting in unnecessary delays and frustration. This previously labor- and time-intensive process has been greatly streamlined in SAP for Me.

Now, when this type of breach occurs, a “Submit Request Credit” button automatically appears in the System details page. A pre-filled ticket can easily be sent to SAP directly through the Systems & Provisioning dashboard in SAP for Me with little to no effort. 

Several prerequisites must be met for the button to appear:

  • The customer must have a production tenant (a tenant that permits a customer to process live data for production use in accordance with the applicable order form).
  • The communicated availability should be below the agreed-upon SLA (standard SLA: 99.7%).
  • Users must possess SAP for Me authorization for the respective system.
  • The SLA Credit Claim must be requested within 30 business days after the breach (meaning the button is visible for only 30 business days following a breach).
  • This functionality is currently not available for Private Cloud.

How it works: in System details page, you will find a request button if the previous month’s communicated availability was below the SLA.

SLA_CC_System page.png

Upon clicking the Request button, a popup appears that shows the information that will be sent to SAP via a prefilled case.

SLA_CC_Request Credit pop-up.png

Clicking the Submit Credit Request button will trigger a workflow and users will be informed in this page of the status of your request.


How to easily find the eligible systems for a credit claim

It can be difficult to find the systems that have been impacted by unplanned downtime in the past month. For that reason, customers can use the Cloud Availability dashboard in the Reporting area of SAP for Me.

SLA_CC_Cloud Av dashboard.png

In the dashboard, month and SLA threshold can be filtered. The standard threshold is currently 99,7%, but it can vary depending on the Cloud Service or specific agreement. Select Last Month to display only the relevant month for SLA Credit Claim. Then drill-down into the rows that show the value in orange. From there it is possible to directly jump onto the System details page to request the SLA Credit Claim.

SLA_CC_Cloud Av dashboard_LM.png

For a complete information on the Cloud Availability dashboard please check this Blog: Cloud Availability in ‘Customer Insights’ reporting

For more information on SLA Credit Claim: 2829755 - SLA Credit for SAP Cloud Services

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