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‘Customer Insights‘ dashboard, first release: Summary Page

As already written in my first blog post, the  ‘Customer Insights‘ dashboard  is a new interactive reporting in SAP for Me analyzing your SAP solutions  across all products, support contracts and deployment types.

The purpose of the customizable ‘Entry Page’ is to provide a summary of your support situation by displaying the most important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at one place. Each ‘Summary’ card with the KPIs is related to a detailed data section where you can navigate by clicking on the ‘Summary’ card or by using the tab in the Top-Line-Menu.

Entry Page - Summary

Following Summary Cards are available and displayed with the current release:

  1. Coming soon: Purchased Products related KPI:Product Portfolio by Solution Area’ displays all materials you purchased for different solution areas. By navigating to the details section, you will see all materials grouped by Solution Areas, and orders with their validity dates.

  2. Support Entitlements related KPI: ‘Systems by Support Entitlements’ shows your main support contracts and how many systems are covered by which support contract. Additionally, it also shows if there are some premium engagements on top of the main support contracts.

  3. System Landscape-related KPIs:

    1. Systems: displays the total number of all systems and total number of productive systems

    2. Systems by Role: displays how many systems belong to which type (production, development, test etc.)

    3. Systems by Deployment Type: displays the number of your cloud and on-premise systems

  4. Cases related KPIs:

    1. Cases sent to SAP: displays the last six months history of the cases sent to SAP and how many of them are still open and require actions from SAP or the customer

    2. Open Cases by Priority: displays how many cases with priority ‘very high’ and ‘high’ are still open.

    3. Open Cases by Action: displays how many cases are in process on SAP´s side and how many are on customer action or with solution provided waiting for confirmation from customer.

    4. Closed cases: displays the last six months history of the cases which have been closed (cases in status "Confirmed" or "Confirmed automatically").

    5. Response times: displays the fulfillment rate of the response times across all relevant cases created within the last six months. Please note that all on-premise and cloud response levels are displayed together.

The list of the important Summary cards with other KPIs can be extended based on your feedback.

When new data sections will be added also new ‘Summary’ cards will be added to the ‘Entry Page’.

What you can do? Features available for the ‘Summary' page:

  1. Navigate to the details section

The ‘Summary’ cards show the most important KPIs, but if you like to see more, you can navigate to the appropriate details section by pressing the KPI card or  by clicking on the data section menu.

  1. Create you own Summary page by using Filters and Personalization options

The content you see at the ‘Overview Entry Page’ can be adjusted by using the global filter at the very top of the screen. Using different filter option you can display all available ‘Summary’ cards with one particular focus by selecting an appropriate filter parameter, e.g. to see  an overview for the SAP SuccessFactors select it in the solution area filter. It is also possible to combine filters. This feature allows you to slice and dice the information according to your individual focus.

Summary for SAP SuccessFactors only

In some cases it is also recommended to use the filter. E.g. the 'Response Levels' for the cases are different for on-premise and for public cloud. To differentiate between them, you can use the filter for the deployment type.

If you do not need any filters you can switch from the ‘Filter’ Icon in the upper right corner to the small-'Card'-icon next to it. In this case you will see customer information instead of the filter options.

You also can customize which ‘Summary’ cards should be displayed. In the default settings for the ‘Entry’ page all available cards are displayed. If some of them are not needed, you can switch them off by using the “Edit Summary” customization wheel in the upper right corner of the card. E.g. if your focus is on cases only you can remove all other Summary cards.

Summary for Cases only

If you click on "Edit Summary", personalization menu will open, where you can find all ‘Summary’ cards grouped by the relevant data section with the switch-option. Now you can select which cards you would like to see or to remove.

Summary Customizing

Your filter and personalization settings can be saved as a variant to have your individual dashboard with selected parameters and KPIs.

Variant for your individual dashboard

3. Drag & drop the Summary cards

You can drag and drop the ‘Summary’ cards and move them to different places. Please note that this feature is designed in the way that all cards are automatically distributed between the columns. The order of the cards is according to the order of the respective data sections from left to right, from top to down. The number of columns depends on the screen size and the zoom settings of your display.

If you switch off a card the rest will be automatically distributed across all available columns.

If you need more KPIs to be included into the Summary we are happy to get your input.

Please use the ‘Feedback’ slider on the right edge of the SAP for Me page to share with us your feedback on this new reporting and on the 'Summary' page.


UPDATE from November 2023:

Due to the new added content for the Cloud Availability section and SAP EarlyWatch Alert (EWA) Overview section two new Summary cards have been added to the Summary page:

  •  The Summary’ card "Cloud Systems Availability" displays an overview on the availability situation based on the standard cloud availability 99,5%. You can see here how many systems totally were below and how many above this threshold in the last completed month. Additionally you can see how many productive systems are affected.
    By clicking on this card you will navigate into the detail section "Cloud Availability".

Summary card for Cloud Availability section

  • The Summary card for the SAP EarlyWatch Alert overview displays the coverage ratio of your productive systems by the SAP EarlyWatch Alert Workspace tool. Only systems which can be covered by this tool are considered. Additionally the card displays if there were recently very critical (red) EWA reports.
    By clicking on this card you will navigate into the detail section "SAP EarlyWatch Alert".

Examples for the Summary Card for EWA Overview section


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Related blogs: SAP for Me goes reporting  or

all related blogs to ‘Customer Insights’ reporting dashboard.
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