Inlight of the rapid digitization of the economy and society, Germany has raised the concept of Industrie 4.0.In the mirroring attempt, the Chinese government has proposed the China Intelligent Manufacturing initiative as the national strategy to promote comprehensive industrial upgrade. The two governments have strengthened cooperation and identified a sufficient supply of skilled workers as well asavailability of upgrade scenarios for SMEs as crucial to the sustainable industrial advancement.
However,many cities in China have been confronted some challenges that hamper the fullfulfillment of production potentials. It is getting more difficult for local workers to find jobs due to the lack of digital mindset and skills to operate in the increasingly digitalized environment. From the perspective of the German industry, the untapped potential of many cities in China also hinders German companies from optimizing their market opportunities.
Therefore,the target of the Industrie 4.0 Learning Platform project (LP 4.0), sponsored by GIZ and joined by SAP China, GAMI, Beijing Mechanical and Electrical Research Institute and the Institute for Automation and Industrial Technology is to share Industrie 4.0-related knowledge, technologies and application scenarios, catering particularly to the learning needs of cities in China in demand of skilled personnel and digital transition. The platform will feature an information portal, technical courses, management courses and an exchange forum as its main functions. GIZ aims to develop a platform as well as an approach that can effectively evelate digital mindset and skills for future of work in China. Moreover, such practice can also be the example that valubale for other emerging countries. Pilot cities for the implementation are Foshan, Shenyang and Chengdu, a series events for both online and onsite will be delivered respectively in the three-year's development peroid until June 30, 2023.
SAP University Alliances as one of the key stakeholder of this project is expected to provide advice and resources around vocational education, and help to engage with stakeholders from SAP Ecosystem that would be benefitial to it. UA China team actively participated the LP4.0 event hosted in Foshan in May , Shenyang in July and Chengdu in Sepetmber. At each piloting city, the project team exchage thoughts with local governments, companies and educational institutions. Base on the feedback and research, one open online learning platform will be released by the end of Sepetmber. The following onsite training courses will also be conduted to selected representives from local companies and institutions gradutely over the time until mid-2023.