Human beings are fundamentally social animals. Behavioral economics and psychological research have taught us that we fundamentally crave a sense of connectedness, belonging, mission, and meaning, particularly when performing our work. Theresa Amabile’s The Progress Principle and Daniel Pink’s Drive both demonstrated that making progress towards a shared mission is the most motivating force a professional can feel. Communities deliver these benefits, creating a sense of shared accountability and a set of values while preserving individual autonomy.
From Harvard Business Review
During our first virtual
SAP Academic Conference Iberoamerica (ABI), which took place last December 14 2020, I had the privilege to present officially our SAP Academic Board Iberoamerica members to the school teachers, professors, directors part of our regional SAP University Alliances community.
First of all, what do our Co-Chairs reflect on our newly launched SAP Academic Board Iberoamerica?
According to Co-Chair Dr. Rafael Monterde-Díaz “La creación del Academic Board Iberoamérica constituye un nuevo impulso al trabajo ya realizado durante la última década por las instituciones educativas de la región asociadas a SAP University Alliances. Nos homologa con otras regiones del mundo y, al mismo tiempo, nos lleva a un nuevo plano en el desarrollo de acciones más colaborativas entre universidades y otros actores del ecosistema SAP”.
Put in the words of Co-Chair Paula Brenes “Iniciamos nuestro trabajo con una serie de objetivos específicos y un propósito de servicio a un comunidad global - local. La oportunidad de incidir como una red, contribuir al progreso de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas y colaborar con los miembros del ABI es un honor para mí”.
It is a great honor for me to count with such engaged and committed Professors and Directors members of our SAP Academic Board in our region Latin America & Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, to put their dynamism in topics they work with passion and towards a mission, which will then support our regional and for sure also our global academic community within SAP University Alliances and far beyond.
So, here below find some details about the
ABI mission, vision, academic and institutional objectives, organization, action plan and members.
Promote the development and consolidation of the SAP University Alliances program in the region (Spain, Portugal, and Latin America)
The Academic Board Ibero-America becomes a driving element of academic activities at the regional level, as well as a space of articulation between academic institutions and other key actors, especially companies and organizations both users and partners, as well as SAP itself
Academic Objectives
- Empowering students about SAP
- Facilitating teacher success
- Translate SAP Technology to Curriculum
- Support for inter-university R&D&I initiatives
Institutional Objectives
- Facilitate collaboration and communication
- Academic Visibility
- Academic Conference
- Adaptation to the regional context
- Stimulate social impact

AB Organization
Action Plan 2021

ABI Action Plan 2021

ABI members 2020
Visit our
ABI Page for further details