SAP University Alliances launched regular Global Knowledge Sharing Sessions for our Academic Community. We’ll run it on a quarterly basis aligned with major SAP Events to share also the most important news related to SAP.
First live sessions happened on Feb 22 with two time slots for APJ/EMEA and Americas/EMEA.
Agenda started with a presentation from SAP University Alliances Global Director Dr. Katharina Schaefer about SAP University Alliances Strategy for 2021.
Afterwards SAP University Alliances Global Lead for Content Delivery and Country Manager for Italy/CIS Dr. Igor Belousov shared the updates from SAP and University Alliances Learning Resources, and run On-boarding session for the new University Alliances members about best practises on using our learning resources.
We had 250 registrations all over the world, and over 100 participants for the morning and evening sessions.
Recordings and presentations are available at SAP University Alliances Learning Room (registered faculties can enter
here). The links to the sessions materials are below:
Next Sessions will happen in June after SAPPHIRE 2021 Conference. Stay tuned!