Deployed and configured an instance of the SAP HANA Service on SAP Cloud Platform in Cloud Foundry, developed a multi-target application using SAP Web IDE Full-Stack, and replicated data using Smart Data integration.
Learned how to develop a simple SAPUI5 web app and deploy it to the cloud, and learned the various tools you can leverage to deploy applications to Cloud Foundry.
Leverage local development tools to build an SAP Fiori app with enabled SAPUI5 flexibility features. The application will be connected to the public Northwind OData service and use enterprise-ready controls that fully leverage the capabilities of the OData protocol.
Built a cross-platform native offline mobile app from scratch with the SAP Mobile Services mobile development kit.
Used Data Attribute Recommendation (one of the SAP AI Business Services in SAP Business Technology Platform) to classify entities such as products, stores and users into multiple classes, using free text, numbers and categories.
Learned about different ways to consume data from an ABAP system on SAP Cloud Platform using the Cloud Connector.
You achieved level: Aluminum
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