2013 Apr 16 2:04 PM
Hi all,
I have searched in SCn as i have not got any convincing solution so i am posting this question.
ZBN2 output issue .. The preview is ok & the physical printer output is ok ..( both chinese and english words works well)
But if send it by mail as attached, it will show weird charcaters for those chinese words .. I guess maybe program miss
some chinese font.
I tried changing settings in OTF(SCOT) but still not working.
i tried changing the font setting as i applied CNSONG..i am not sure whether this is fine or not?? please let me know??
Have you ever faced this issue before or how you solved this problem. Please let me know
Its bit urgent..
Points will be rewarded.
2013 Apr 16 6:01 PM
I recap I have faced this issue before and found a solution through a SAP note but not sure which one was this. Please try note 692112 (https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap%28bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==%29/bc/bsp/spn/sapnotes/index2.htm?numm=692112) or, if it`s not the very proper one, look for another once I am pretty sure we have a solution there.