2023 Jan 25 10:53 AM
Hi Experts,
I need to download the XML file format which was done.
But here my issue was ;When i download the XML some dump showing as 'Blue highlighted'
Please advice.
DATA: ld_filename TYPE string,
file_path TYPE string,
2023 Jan 25 11:17 AM
Why are you using filetype = 'DBF' ?
You should only use ASC for simple text files or BIN for binary files. Note that for binary files you always have to provide binary file size in parameter "bin_filesize". Otherwise your file will be corrupted.
Your sample code looks like simple text table so please try filetype = ASC.
2023 Jan 25 11:13 AM
Edit your post and format your code using the "code" button.
2023 Jan 25 11:17 AM
Why are you using filetype = 'DBF' ?
You should only use ASC for simple text files or BIN for binary files. Note that for binary files you always have to provide binary file size in parameter "bin_filesize". Otherwise your file will be corrupted.
Your sample code looks like simple text table so please try filetype = ASC.
2023 Jan 25 12:28 PM
ThanksTomas Buryanek,
I changed the filetype to ASC .
No dump file or corrupt in my download XML file.
Thanks and regards,
Senthil Gajendran.
2023 Jan 25 12:16 PM
What is gt_xml? It's not defined in your code, but it seems to be important as it contains the data that later gets corrupted... Please provide the complete code.