2008 Sep 30 12:33 PM
hello everyone,
i'm trying to feed the fields kna1-bahns ,in the transaction XD02,automaticly, i've tried to use the user-exit ZXF04U01, but when i save in the transaction XD02 the value that i gived for this fields is Missing , and so i can not update the table KNA1 .
thank you.
2008 Sep 30 4:03 PM
It may help if you post the code of your zxf04u01 include...
But this is a quick guess - if you are setting BAHNS in the I_KNA1 structure then that won't be passed back into XD02 because it is an importing parameter only.
2008 Sep 30 4:03 PM
It may help if you post the code of your zxf04u01 include...
But this is a quick guess - if you are setting BAHNS in the I_KNA1 structure then that won't be passed back into XD02 because it is an importing parameter only.
2008 Sep 30 4:12 PM
of course i can not change because it's just an import and not a changing parameter the structure i_kna1 , the code is follow
thank u.
TABLES : kna1.
DATA : gv_bahns(4) TYPE c,
gv_n TYPE n,"Compteur
kunnr TYPE KNA1-kunnr.
gc_zhge(4) VALUE 'ZHGE',
gc_zhgf(4) VALUE 'ZHGF',
gc_zhgi(4) VALUE 'ZHGI',
gc_zhgp(4) VALUE 'ZHGP'.
IF i_kna1-ktokd = gc_zhge
OR i_kna1-ktokd = gc_zhgf
OR i_kna1-ktokd = gc_zhgi
OR i_kna1-ktokd = gc_zhgp.
CONDENSE i_kna1-sortl NO-GAPS.
IF STRLEN( i_kna1-sortl ) <= 7.
SELECT SINGLE kunnr FROM kna1 INTO kna1-kunnr
WHERE sortl = i_kna1-sortl
AND kunnr <> i_kna1-kunnr.
AND BAHNS <> i_kna1-BAHNS. " mus
*Si la valeur existe déjà alors message d'erreur
IF sy-subrc = 0.
MESSAGE i031(zmap) DISPLAY LIKE 'I'. "La valeur saisie dans la zone critère de recherche 1 existe déjà dans SAP
SET SCREEN '7000'.
*Si la valeur de la zone est supérieur à 7 caractères alors message d'erreur
MESSAGE i032(zmap) DISPLAY LIKE 'I' . "La valeur de la zone "critère de recherche 1" doit être < ou = à 7 chars
SET SCREEN '7000'.
*Génération du Critère de recherche 2 sur 4 caractère
gv_n = 0.
IF i_kna1-bahns IS INITIAL .
CLEAR i_kna1-bahns.
gv_bahns = i_kna1-name1+0(4).
SELECT SINGLE kunnr FROM kna1 INTO kna1-kunnr
WHERE kunnr <> i_kna1-kunnr
AND bahns = gv_bahns.
WHILE sy-subrc = 0.
CLEAR gv_bahns.
gv_n = gv_n + 1.
CONCATENATE i_kna1-name1+0(3) gv_n into gv_bahns.
SELECT SINGLE kunnr FROM kna1 INTO kna1-kunnr
WHERE kunnr <> i_kna1-kunnr
AND bahns = gv_bahns.
MOVE gv_bahns to i_kna1-bahns.
SET bahns = gv_bahns
WHERE kunnr EQ kunnr.
2008 Sep 30 4:15 PM
there is a trick to make the change inside the exit (even if it is an importing parameter). Add the following lines:
FIELD-SYMBOLS : <lv_bahns> TYPE kna1-bakns.
ASSIGN ('(SAPMF02D)KNA1-BAHNS') TO <lv_bahns>.
<lv_bahns> = gv_bahns.
hope this helps
2008 Oct 01 2:51 PM
Not sure why you are updating table KNA1 from within the exit as direct updates to SAP tables are not recommended! But probably your table update is being made before the standard XD02 update which occurs after the exit has processed. So it is being overwritten.
I'd remove the UPDATE KNA1 idea, and try Eric's trick to pass the station name into the standard XD02 update.