2011 Sep 22 3:28 AM
Hi all:
I used the function WS_FILE_COPY to copy file from source file to destination.
It is a foreground job function excute by user`s ID ,
but some users don`t have the authority to write file to the destination folder , so the job fail.
Is it possible to get enough authority to write file by another account in abap for all user?
2011 Sep 22 3:34 AM
You can check the authorization for the user who is running the job. You can take help of your basis team to get the authority object or if you know the authority object.
If the user is not having authorization, then display an error message and stop the execution.
[More info|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/5f/ff2138faeb3807e10000009b38f889/content.htm]