2023 Oct 19 3:58 PM
2023 Oct 19 4:48 PM
You can use Strlen,
DATA: int TYPE i,
word1(20) TYPE c VALUE '12345'.
word2(20) TYPE c.
word3(20) TYPE c VALUE ' 4 '.
int = strlen( word1 ).WRITE int.
int = strlen( word2 ).WRITE / int.
int = strlen( word3 ).WRITE / int.
The results are 5, 0, and 4respectively.
Regards, Eduardo.
2023 Oct 19 5:21 PM
2023 Oct 23 2:04 PM
Why do you want to get this, do you want actual length of external view (output) of each field for each record or just actual maximal length by field or theorical maximal output length?