2005 Nov 02 6:34 PM
Hi friends,
I need to get the formula for a order in tx cor3-> field CALC_JOIN-FORMULA, i realized that it's stored in the table KALC, but when in the process order header - general data it's executed the function "read master data", and then the order it's completed as always the user does, just after they save the order, the info in the table KALC it's deleted.
If i see the order again in the tx cor3, i can see the formula, but in the table kalc not, where could i find this info?, I need to get the formula in abap program.
Thanks in advance.
Message was edited by: Albio Vivas
2005 Nov 02 7:52 PM
See if function module CALCULATION_SHEET is useful or this PROCESS_ORDER_READ.
2005 Nov 07 8:25 PM
Thanks for your help.
I tried with function CALCULATION_SHEET, using these parameters: APPLICATION = 'PO', KEY = order number and
VERSION = ''. And the result it's a empty alv grid.
With the function PROCESS_ORDER_READ i got this error. SAPSQL_IN_ITAB_ILLEGAL_OPTION
I still looking for the table where the formula it's stored...
thanks in advance.
2005 Nov 07 8:38 PM
Go to table KALC and look at the table entries. See how field FORM_KEY values are. Based on that you form your KEY to pass to the function module CALCULATION_SHEET. Even the version has a conversion routine associated with it. So you may have to enter the value in internal format.
2005 Nov 08 4:28 PM
Actually i used the KEY based on how are the values in KALC, instead of that i reviewed and tried again, and the result it's the same.
I don't know what happend, but in the table KALC are the values (the formula), but if the user execute the option 'read master data' in transaction cor1 or cor2, the data disappear in KALC.
Where the program read the formula... i don't know, but if you consult the order, after execute the function read master data, you can see de data in the cor3 (f.e.), but if you look for it in the KALC table the formula does not appear there.
Thanks in advance.
Message was edited by: Albio Vivas