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When does a request/task gets the type repair?

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When does a request/task gets the type repair? (Table E70, field TRFUNCTION = "R")

1. Is it something that happens automatically. If so, what are the conditions that this happens?

2. Is it something the transport admin has to set manually? If so, where does the admin decide to set the type, esp. what step in which transaction?

Thank you for enlightening me.


Active Contributor

Active Contributor

This question has been asked and answered lots of times in the forum.

0 Kudos

The link to the question you gave me does not answer my question. Because I was thread opener of that other thread.

In the thread you are referencing it is answered what happend if an object has been repaired. Therefore the repair flag will be set in TADIR field SRCDEP = "R" for that object.

My questions in this thread here are about the repair flag in table E070 (CTS Header of Request/Tasks), TRFUNCTION = "R". And so far as i understood both repair flags are not the same.

Believe me, i used googe, chatgpt, bing KI, forum search and literature availabe to me for hours before asking again.

I tried to ask my questions as much specific as possible and hoped someone could help

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When does a request/task gets the type repair? (Table E70, field TRFUNCTION = "R")

When you change an object whose original system isn't the system you're working on.

1. Is it something that happens automatically. If so, what are the conditions that this happens?

It's automatic and it happens when you change an object whose original system isn't the system you're working on.

2. Is it something the transport admin has to set manually?

No. It is not set manually.

0 Kudos

Thank you for your answer. My understanding is that - what you described - if you repair an object on an non-original-system, the repair flag will be set in object catalog TADIR in the field SRCDEP.

As far as i understood this does not mean, the same as the repair flag in table E070 (cts:task/request header) field TRFUNCTION = "R". I think there is another mechanism when that flag was set. And that was the reason for my question.

Do you agree to my understanding?

Active Contributor

Sorry, my first answer didn't answer your actual question.

The repair flag in TADIR says "this object has been repaired". It won't be overwritten by a subsequent transport unless the appropriate flag is set when the transport is imported. It will show up in upgrades in SPAU.

The repair flag in E070 says the task is a repair task. That limits what can be included in it.

Two different things.

When does a request/task gets the type repair? (Table E70, field TRFUNCTION = "R")

When you change an object whose original system isn't the system you're working on, and you save it against a transport - a repair task will be created if one doesn't already exist. Or you can do it manually

1. Is it something that happens automatically. If so, what are the conditions that this happens?

It's automatic and it happens when you change an object whose original system isn't the system you're working on and save it to a transport which doesn't have a repair task. The task is created and there will be a record in E070 with type R.

2. Is it something the transport admin has to set manually?

No. But it can be. You create a task against a transport. Initially it will be in state: Unclassified. If you go to request/task->change type in the menu, you can set the task to be a repair. It would be unusual in my experience for someone to do this.

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You had not talked about TADIR-SRCDEP = "R" in your question.

A repair task is when you modify an object whose source system is a different system, I think it has been answered many many times. Maybe you were lost in the many contradictory answers which pollute the forum.

I think TADIR-SRCDEP = "R" if the object is being repaired i.e. the TR of the repair task is not released (after releasing, it comes back to " " value).