2022 Dec 04 5:30 AM
please tell me about whole import and export, table parameters of CREATE_TEXT in detail and use of each and every import and export, table parameters of CREATE_TEXT in detail.
2022 Dec 04 3:29 PM
CREATE_TEXT is NOT released, so you should not use it in a Z program.
What do you want to achieve so that people can help you?
Maybe you want to create a standard text or something like this, for this you should search SAVE_TEXT in the forum.
2022 Dec 05 9:14 AM
Hi anger007,
CREATE_TEXT is a standard SAP function module available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release level.
Here you can get more information about create text FM.
CREATE_TEXT SAP ABAP Function Module (se80.co.uk)
I hope you understand,
If it helps, please accept this answer.
Berinath Ulisi.
2022 Dec 05 2:38 PM
CREATE_TEXT is not released, when INIT_TEXT, SAVE_TEXT and COMMIT_TEXT are. So don't use this FM and call the 3 others in sequence. (You will also find easily many threads/documents on those FM in the forum)
(Also perform some search on long texts)