2008 Oct 16 11:14 AM
What is the difference between the data types "STRING" and "XSTRING"?
2008 Oct 16 11:19 AM
The elementary data type STRING is similar to data type C and refers to a variable-length string. Accordingly, the elementary data type XSTRING is similar to data type X and refers to a variable-length byte sequence.
2008 Oct 16 11:19 AM
STRING - Character sequence.
XSTRING - Hexadecimal Code
Lengths are adjusted directly at runtime.
2008 Oct 16 11:19 AM
STRING is of text type which holds characters.
XSTRING is a of byte type which holds values of hexadecimal numbers.
Initial value of both the data types is empty.
2008 Oct 16 11:19 AM
The elementary data type STRING is similar to data type C and refers to a variable-length string. Accordingly, the elementary data type XSTRING is similar to data type X and refers to a variable-length byte sequence.
2008 Oct 16 11:20 AM
Hi Suman,
String and XString both are used to contain unlimited amount of data but the difference is in the type of data they contain. String contains data in the form of string i.e. unlimited characters and XString contains data in form of bytes i.e. it is used to contain data from files and any other similar data source.
Vaibhav Tiwari.
2008 Oct 16 11:27 AM
hi suman,
Actualy xstring recognize only the HEX values i.e 0 to 9 and A,B,C,D , E and F.
Instead of your string it is character sequence like 'BEA123BF' .