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WEBIDE personal edition gets a 404 error calling JPA odata

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  • SAP Managed Tags:

Hello everyone,

I am currently having a problem adding a new destination to my Webide personal edition (local).

My need is to call odata in an openui5 apps. This odata is giving me resultats from mysql DB.

I managed to do this using a jpa with apache olingo odata2.0 (following this blog

This odata part seems to be working :

http://localhost:8090/SmartRecipeOdata/RecipeHeader.svc/$metadata seems to give me a correct output.

My destination in web ide is designed this way:

  • Description=Smart Recipe Type=HTTP
  • TrustAll=true
  • Authentication=NoAuthentication
  • Name=SmartRecipeOdata
  • ProxyType=Internet
  • URL=http\://localhost\:8090/SmartRecipeOdata/RecipeHeader.svc WebIDEUsage=odata_gen,odata_hcp_odp,odata_xs,odata_gen WebIDESystem=SmartRecipe
  • WebIDEEnabled=true

When calling the service (using the template tool in webide) I get this:

  1. Request URL: http://localhost:8080/webidedispatcher/destinations/SmartRecipeOdata/RecetteItem/$metadata
  2. Request Method: GET
  3. Status Code:404 Not Found

Might someone have an idea of why web ide does not catch my odata?

Thanks for your help!