2023 Mar 22 2:03 PM
Hello Experts,
I import by transaction SMW0 a file as html but I have problem with country letters (exactly polish letters). Unfortunately inside after imported the letters disappear (changing to different signs) and when I call function WWW_HTML_MERGER and open template in browser there aren't also correct letters.
2023 Mar 23 6:16 AM
It's all about the character encoding. You must know from end to end in which code page/character set the characters are encoded in your original file, how they are uploaded and stored in the MIME repository, how WWW_HTML_MERGER works with character encoding, and how it's displayed in the browser. If you could explain the context from end to end, maybe someone can better help.
Usually UTF-8 is the best format supported for the Web, so you should do a try for a quick win.
2023 Mar 23 7:31 AM
The file html is coding in utf-16, I tried change this to utf-8 but it didn't change anything. Finally I can introduce html inside the code but it looks awfully 🙂
2023 Mar 23 8:49 AM
As I said, the character encoding error can be at any place in the workflow (upload, storage, reading, merging, outputting). You'd better provide the exact workflow and code so that people can reproduce the issue and fix it, otherwise any intermediate process can invalidate the intermediate solutions that people may propose.
NB: I don't know if you use WWW_HTML_MERGER for ITS or anything else.