2022 Dec 20 3:19 PM
I tried to display warning ⚠️ but didn't display in purchase order me22n tcode and but error message it is showing and warning message is not displaying when I wrote code and help me to get it and it is badi enhancement that I am implenting
2022 Dec 20 3:50 PM
To display a warning message in the ME22N transaction, you can use the following steps:
1. Create a function module that will contain the code to display the warning message. The function module should have the following signature:
FUNCTION z_display_warning.
*"*"Local Interface:
2. In the function module, use the following code to display the warning message:
3. In the ME22N transaction, go to the screen where you want to display the warning message and add the following code in the PAI (Process After Input) event:
i_message = 'Your warning message goes here'
e_message = lv_dummy.
This should display the warning message when the ME22N transaction is executed.
I hope this helps!
2022 Dec 20 4:07 PM
Thank you sir, I will try and once it's working then I will let u know
2022 Dec 20 4:10 PM
In a MM BAdI such as ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST, there are macros provided to handle messages.
INCLUDE mm_messages_mac. " to load the macro
mmpur_metafield mmmfd_acctasscat. " field which carry the message (type pools MMMFD)
mmpur_metafield_add mmmfd_net_price. " another field if required
mmpur_message_forced 'W' 'ZMM' '123' ls_item-knttp space space space. " sample of message<br>
2022 Dec 20 4:14 PM
How to see macros. Can you tell me the process
2022 Dec 20 5:04 PM
I wrote this code that It is giving an error ls_item is unknown
2022 Dec 21 9:29 AM
That was a sample, replace it with a space or a text for your test.
For your reference, extract for check method
METHOD if_ex_me_process_po_cust~check.
INCLUDE mm_messages_mac.
DATA: ls_header TYPE mepoheader,
lt_items TYPE purchase_order_items,
ls_items TYPE purchase_order_item.
* Set context
mmpur_context mmcnt_context_badi.
* read PO header
ls_header = im_header->get_data( ).
* get list of items
lt_items = im_header->get_items( ).
* loop on items
LOOP AT lt_items INTO ls_items.
ls_item = ls_items-item->get_data( ).
* raise an error, replace <placeholder> with your variables or constants
IF <mttype> = 'E'.
ch_failed = abap_true.
mmpur_message_forced <mttype> <mid> <num> <dobj1> <dobj2> <dobj3> <dobj4>.
* etc.
2022 Dec 21 6:03 PM
Thank you so much Raymond 😊. You guys r superb and I am very interested to learn now and thank you so much....