2010 Aug 05 12:00 PM
Hi ,
right now in report we are using CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2 this function module.
but the function retrives only 1& 3(active) BoMs status values. my requirement is needs to read 2 & 9 (inactive) BOMs status also.
suggest me if there is any another FM or any another way.
Thanks in advance,
2010 Aug 05 4:31 PM
i am not sure if you want to pass BOM componenet or not..
but if you are passing BOM componenet and wants to fetch all the deatils along with BOM status..
then you can use this FM
if not then you can get all the BOM which are inactive through some tables.
i hope i have helped you in some extent.get back if you are not still clear.
i am not able to figure out whats your exact req. is...
2010 Aug 06 11:13 AM
HI Abhijeet,
thank u for ur reply,
please see the code for parameters which we are passing.
Local data declaration
DATA : lv_pp01 TYPE capid VALUE 'PP01'.
Local data declaration
DATA : lv_pp01 TYPE capid VALUE 'PP01'.
BOM explode for the corresponding SKU
capid = lv_pp01
datuv = sy-datum
mtnrv = p_lw_marc-matnr
werks = p_lw_marc-werks
stb = p_t_items
alt_not_found = 1
call_invalid = 2
material_not_found = 3
missing_authorization = 4
no_bom_found = 5
no_plant_data = 6
no_suitable_bom_found = 7
conversion_error = 8
IF sy-subrc = 0.
Consider only components of level one
DELETE p_t_items WHERE stufe NE c_1.
this FM get only the active BOMs. BUt My requirement is to get both active and inactive BOMs.suggest me if there is another fm or any logic to wrtie.