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W/O using OOABAP

Former Member
0 Kudos

plzz help me giving all the possible ways with explanation to do the following :------

i dont want the database table to use regularly, so i created 3 internal tables from which i want to extract data & put those data in the main output table which is used in ALV.

the 3 internal tables are linked thru primary keys.....but want other fields to be extracted thru primary-foreign key relationship.

how should i bring the data from the the 3 internal tables into the output internal table ?

<u><b>W/O using OOABAP.</b></u>


Former Member
0 Kudos


See the sample code how data is fetched into internal tables and how it is read in the loop of one internal table

form read_data.

  • Get the Accounting Documents for the GR/IR Account Entered on

  • Selection Screen

clear i_bsis.

refresh i_bsis.

select bukrs " Company Code

hkont " GR IR Account

gjahr " Fiscal Year

belnr " Acc Document

buzei " Item No

budat " Receipt Date(Posting)

monat " Period

into table i_bsis

from bsis

where bukrs = p_bukrs

and hkont = p_grira

and budat in s_budat

and monat in s_monat .

if sy-subrc <> 0.

message i899 with 'No data found'(043).

g_exit = c_x.



sort i_bsis by bukrs hkont gjahr belnr buzei.

  • Get the Vendor,PO,Material,Qty details from BSEG Table

if not i_bsis[] is initial.

clear i_bseg.

refresh i_bseg.

select bukrs " Company Code

belnr " Acc Document

buzei " Item No

gjahr " Fiscal Year

shkzg " Dr/Cr Indicator

lifnr " Vendor Code

matnr " Material No

ebeln " Purchase Order

ebelp " PO Item

werks " Plant

menge " PO Quantity

meins " UOM

dmbtr " Amount in Local Currency

wrbtr " Amount in Trans.Currency

into table i_bseg

from bseg

for all entries in i_bsis

where bukrs = p_bukrs

and belnr = i_bsis-belnr

and gjahr = i_bsis-gjahr

and buzei = i_bsis-buzei

and lifnr in s_lifnr

and werks in s_werks

and matnr in s_matnr

and ebeln in s_ebeln.

sort i_bseg by bukrs belnr buzei gjahr.

  • Select the Trans.Currency from BKPF Table

clear i_bkpf.

refresh i_bkpf.

select bukrs " Company Code

belnr " Acc Document

gjahr " Fiscal Year

waers " Trans. Currency

awkey " Object Key

awtyp " Reference Procedure

into table i_bkpf

from bkpf

for all entries in i_bsis

where bukrs = p_bukrs

and belnr = i_bsis-belnr

and gjahr = i_bsis-gjahr.


sort i_bkpf by bukrs belnr gjahr.

  • Get the Quantity and UOM of Material from MSEG Table

if not i_bkpf[] is initial.

clear i_mseg.

refresh i_mseg.

select mblnr " Material Document

mjahr " Fiscal Year

bwart " Movement Type

matnr " Material No

menge " PO Quantity

meins " UOM

into table i_mseg

from mseg

for all entries in i_bkpf

where mblnr = i_bkpf-awkey(10).


sort i_mseg by mblnr mjahr.

  • Get the Material And Description from EKPO Table

if not i_bseg[] is initial.

clear i_ekpo.

refresh i_ekpo.

select ebeln " Purchase Order

ebelp " PO Item

matnr " Material No

txz01 " Material Text

into table i_ekpo

from ekpo

for all entries in i_bseg

where ebeln = i_bseg-ebeln

and ebelp = i_bseg-ebelp.

sort i_ekpo by ebeln ebelp.

  • Get the Valuation Class from MBEW Table

clear i_mbew.

refresh i_mbew.

select matnr " Material No

bwkey " Plant

bklas " Valuation Class

into table i_mbew

from mbew

for all entries in i_bseg

where matnr = i_bseg-matnr

and bwkey = i_bseg-werks.

sort i_mbew by matnr werks.

  • Get the Cost Center and Cost Element of the PO from EKKN Table

clear i_ekkn.

refresh i_ekkn.

select ebeln " Purchase Order

ebelp " PO Item

kostl " Cost Center

sakto " Cost Element

into table i_ekkn

from ekkn

for all entries in i_bseg

where ebeln = i_bseg-ebeln

and ebelp = i_bseg-ebelp

and kostl in s_kostl

and sakto in s_kstar.

sort i_ekkn by ebeln ebelp.

  • Get the Vendor Name

clear i_lfa1.

refresh i_lfa1.

select lifnr " Vendor

name1 " Name

into table i_lfa1

from lfa1

for all entries in i_bseg

where lifnr = i_bseg-lifnr.


sort i_lfa1 by lifnr.

  • Move the data to Final Output Internal Table

loop at i_bsis.

i_final-belnr = i_bsis-belnr. " FI Document

i_final-monat = i_bsis-monat. " Period

i_final-budat = i_bsis-budat. " Rec. Date

  • Read the Transaction Currency from BKPF Internal Table

read table i_bkpf with key bukrs = i_bsis-bukrs

belnr = i_bsis-belnr

gjahr = i_bsis-gjahr

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-waers = i_bkpf-waers. " Tran.Currency

  • Read the Movement Type for all Material Related

  • Documents from MSEG Internal Table

if i_bkpf-awtyp = c_mkpf.

read table i_mseg with key mblnr = i_bkpf-awkey(10)

mjahr = i_bkpf-awkey+10(4).

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-bwart = i_mseg-bwart. " Movement Type




  • Read Vendor, Plant, PO Document, Local And Trans.Amounts

  • from BSEG Internal Table

read table i_bseg with key bukrs = i_bsis-bukrs

belnr = i_bsis-belnr

gjahr = i_bsis-gjahr

buzei = i_bsis-buzei

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-lifnr = i_bseg-lifnr. " Vendor

i_final-werks = i_bseg-werks. " Plant

i_final-ebeln = i_bseg-ebeln. " PO

i_final-dmbtr = i_bseg-dmbtr. " Local Amount

i_final-wrbtr = i_bseg-wrbtr. " Tran.Amount

i_final-menge = i_bseg-menge. " Quantity

i_final-meins = i_bseg-meins. " UOM

  • For Credit Indicator(SHKZG = H) amounts should be (-)ve

if i_bseg-shkzg = c_h.

i_final-dmbtr = i_final-dmbtr * -1.

i_final-wrbtr = i_final-wrbtr * -1.

i_final-menge = i_final-menge * -1.


  • Read the Material and its Description from EKPO Internal Table

read table i_ekpo with key ebeln = i_bseg-ebeln

ebelp = i_bseg-ebelp

matnr = i_bseg-matnr

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-matnr = i_ekpo-matnr. " Material Number

i_final-txz01 = i_ekpo-txz01. " Material Text

  • Populate the Material Status depending on the Input Checkbox

  • On Selection Screen

if not i_ekpo-matnr is initial.

i_final-status = c_x.



  • Read the PO related Cost Element and Cost Centers

  • from EKKN Internal Table

read table i_ekkn with key ebeln = i_bseg-ebeln

ebelp = i_bseg-ebelp

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-kostl = i_ekkn-kostl. " Cost Center

i_final-sakto = i_ekkn-sakto. " Cost Element


  • Read the Valuation Class from MBEW Internal Table

read table i_mbew with key matnr = i_bseg-matnr

werks = i_bseg-werks

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-bklas = i_mbew-bklas. " Val Class


  • Read the Vendor Name from LFA1 Internal Table

read table i_lfa1 with key lifnr = i_bseg-lifnr

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-name1 = i_lfa1-name1. " Vendor Name



append i_final.

clear i_final.


sort i_final by lifnr werks monat matnr.

  • Depending on the check Box Selected display the data

if p_incmt = c_x and p_incnm ne c_x.

delete i_final where matnr eq space.

elseif p_incnm = c_x and p_incmt ne c_x.

delete i_final where matnr ne space.


endform. "Read Data

<b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>




Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Divya,

You need to use the LOOP ..ENDLOOP and READ. No need to use ABAP OO here.



Former Member
0 Kudos

use READ TABLE statement to read one of the internal table based on the primaty key's.

you can read the table..fetch data..and then APPEND the data into your main table.

Hope this answers your question.

Reward points if helpful

Former Member
0 Kudos


See the sample code how data is fetched into internal tables and how it is read in the loop of one internal table

form read_data.

  • Get the Accounting Documents for the GR/IR Account Entered on

  • Selection Screen

clear i_bsis.

refresh i_bsis.

select bukrs " Company Code

hkont " GR IR Account

gjahr " Fiscal Year

belnr " Acc Document

buzei " Item No

budat " Receipt Date(Posting)

monat " Period

into table i_bsis

from bsis

where bukrs = p_bukrs

and hkont = p_grira

and budat in s_budat

and monat in s_monat .

if sy-subrc <> 0.

message i899 with 'No data found'(043).

g_exit = c_x.



sort i_bsis by bukrs hkont gjahr belnr buzei.

  • Get the Vendor,PO,Material,Qty details from BSEG Table

if not i_bsis[] is initial.

clear i_bseg.

refresh i_bseg.

select bukrs " Company Code

belnr " Acc Document

buzei " Item No

gjahr " Fiscal Year

shkzg " Dr/Cr Indicator

lifnr " Vendor Code

matnr " Material No

ebeln " Purchase Order

ebelp " PO Item

werks " Plant

menge " PO Quantity

meins " UOM

dmbtr " Amount in Local Currency

wrbtr " Amount in Trans.Currency

into table i_bseg

from bseg

for all entries in i_bsis

where bukrs = p_bukrs

and belnr = i_bsis-belnr

and gjahr = i_bsis-gjahr

and buzei = i_bsis-buzei

and lifnr in s_lifnr

and werks in s_werks

and matnr in s_matnr

and ebeln in s_ebeln.

sort i_bseg by bukrs belnr buzei gjahr.

  • Select the Trans.Currency from BKPF Table

clear i_bkpf.

refresh i_bkpf.

select bukrs " Company Code

belnr " Acc Document

gjahr " Fiscal Year

waers " Trans. Currency

awkey " Object Key

awtyp " Reference Procedure

into table i_bkpf

from bkpf

for all entries in i_bsis

where bukrs = p_bukrs

and belnr = i_bsis-belnr

and gjahr = i_bsis-gjahr.


sort i_bkpf by bukrs belnr gjahr.

  • Get the Quantity and UOM of Material from MSEG Table

if not i_bkpf[] is initial.

clear i_mseg.

refresh i_mseg.

select mblnr " Material Document

mjahr " Fiscal Year

bwart " Movement Type

matnr " Material No

menge " PO Quantity

meins " UOM

into table i_mseg

from mseg

for all entries in i_bkpf

where mblnr = i_bkpf-awkey(10).


sort i_mseg by mblnr mjahr.

  • Get the Material And Description from EKPO Table

if not i_bseg[] is initial.

clear i_ekpo.

refresh i_ekpo.

select ebeln " Purchase Order

ebelp " PO Item

matnr " Material No

txz01 " Material Text

into table i_ekpo

from ekpo

for all entries in i_bseg

where ebeln = i_bseg-ebeln

and ebelp = i_bseg-ebelp.

sort i_ekpo by ebeln ebelp.

  • Get the Valuation Class from MBEW Table

clear i_mbew.

refresh i_mbew.

select matnr " Material No

bwkey " Plant

bklas " Valuation Class

into table i_mbew

from mbew

for all entries in i_bseg

where matnr = i_bseg-matnr

and bwkey = i_bseg-werks.

sort i_mbew by matnr werks.

  • Get the Cost Center and Cost Element of the PO from EKKN Table

clear i_ekkn.

refresh i_ekkn.

select ebeln " Purchase Order

ebelp " PO Item

kostl " Cost Center

sakto " Cost Element

into table i_ekkn

from ekkn

for all entries in i_bseg

where ebeln = i_bseg-ebeln

and ebelp = i_bseg-ebelp

and kostl in s_kostl

and sakto in s_kstar.

sort i_ekkn by ebeln ebelp.

  • Get the Vendor Name

clear i_lfa1.

refresh i_lfa1.

select lifnr " Vendor

name1 " Name

into table i_lfa1

from lfa1

for all entries in i_bseg

where lifnr = i_bseg-lifnr.


sort i_lfa1 by lifnr.

  • Move the data to Final Output Internal Table

loop at i_bsis.

i_final-belnr = i_bsis-belnr. " FI Document

i_final-monat = i_bsis-monat. " Period

i_final-budat = i_bsis-budat. " Rec. Date

  • Read the Transaction Currency from BKPF Internal Table

read table i_bkpf with key bukrs = i_bsis-bukrs

belnr = i_bsis-belnr

gjahr = i_bsis-gjahr

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-waers = i_bkpf-waers. " Tran.Currency

  • Read the Movement Type for all Material Related

  • Documents from MSEG Internal Table

if i_bkpf-awtyp = c_mkpf.

read table i_mseg with key mblnr = i_bkpf-awkey(10)

mjahr = i_bkpf-awkey+10(4).

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-bwart = i_mseg-bwart. " Movement Type




  • Read Vendor, Plant, PO Document, Local And Trans.Amounts

  • from BSEG Internal Table

read table i_bseg with key bukrs = i_bsis-bukrs

belnr = i_bsis-belnr

gjahr = i_bsis-gjahr

buzei = i_bsis-buzei

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-lifnr = i_bseg-lifnr. " Vendor

i_final-werks = i_bseg-werks. " Plant

i_final-ebeln = i_bseg-ebeln. " PO

i_final-dmbtr = i_bseg-dmbtr. " Local Amount

i_final-wrbtr = i_bseg-wrbtr. " Tran.Amount

i_final-menge = i_bseg-menge. " Quantity

i_final-meins = i_bseg-meins. " UOM

  • For Credit Indicator(SHKZG = H) amounts should be (-)ve

if i_bseg-shkzg = c_h.

i_final-dmbtr = i_final-dmbtr * -1.

i_final-wrbtr = i_final-wrbtr * -1.

i_final-menge = i_final-menge * -1.


  • Read the Material and its Description from EKPO Internal Table

read table i_ekpo with key ebeln = i_bseg-ebeln

ebelp = i_bseg-ebelp

matnr = i_bseg-matnr

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-matnr = i_ekpo-matnr. " Material Number

i_final-txz01 = i_ekpo-txz01. " Material Text

  • Populate the Material Status depending on the Input Checkbox

  • On Selection Screen

if not i_ekpo-matnr is initial.

i_final-status = c_x.



  • Read the PO related Cost Element and Cost Centers

  • from EKKN Internal Table

read table i_ekkn with key ebeln = i_bseg-ebeln

ebelp = i_bseg-ebelp

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-kostl = i_ekkn-kostl. " Cost Center

i_final-sakto = i_ekkn-sakto. " Cost Element


  • Read the Valuation Class from MBEW Internal Table

read table i_mbew with key matnr = i_bseg-matnr

werks = i_bseg-werks

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-bklas = i_mbew-bklas. " Val Class


  • Read the Vendor Name from LFA1 Internal Table

read table i_lfa1 with key lifnr = i_bseg-lifnr

binary search.

if sy-subrc = 0.

i_final-name1 = i_lfa1-name1. " Vendor Name



append i_final.

clear i_final.


sort i_final by lifnr werks monat matnr.

  • Depending on the check Box Selected display the data

if p_incmt = c_x and p_incnm ne c_x.

delete i_final where matnr eq space.

elseif p_incnm = c_x and p_incmt ne c_x.

delete i_final where matnr ne space.


endform. "Read Data

<b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>

