2010 Oct 20 4:05 AM
In my program I have a BDC Call to VT02n (no display mode),
I read somewhere that this won't work since VT02n is an Enjoy Transaction. What does this mean? Why wouldn't it work?
And what would be a good replacement to this and how do i go over it?
Here's the details of what my bdc call is supposed to do:
screen 1011 populate tknum (shipment number)
press execute
screen 1020 click button Shipment End
then populate planned ship end date and time,
populate excution ship end date and time,
click save.
<removed by moderator>
Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Oct 20, 2010 3:35 PM
2010 Oct 20 4:27 AM
Hi deso_08,
that's because some controls don't support BDC. try below BAPI/FM, hope this helpful.
2010 Oct 20 4:27 AM
Hi deso_08,
that's because some controls don't support BDC. try below BAPI/FM, hope this helpful.
2010 Oct 20 3:46 PM
If you're going to use the ancient BDC process, drop the 'N'...try VT02....the original (non-Enjoy style) transactions usually still give you a good update with a BDC. Enjoy versions are more difficult, and I'd recommend that you change to a BAPI anytime that it's possible to do so. The BAPI will do the update the way SAP logic would do it, not the way your BDC would try to do it.
2010 Oct 22 7:19 AM
Hi. Well, i'm not the designer of this sytem. and im actually trying to find ways to eliminate that bdc call that was in the design. which means i probably wont opt to a bdc call to vt02.
the use of bapi and/or fm is more acceptable to me.
However, for the BAPI_SHIPMENT_CHANGE, in the headerdata, there is no component for upten, dpten, uaten and daten,
(dates and times of planned and excution of shipment end.). [The desginer wants to overwrite these values from a previously populated internal table.] Which means, I'll have to find another way around this.
If you have answers/solutions to this, please feel free to reply to this thread. Ill will be much appreciated.
2010 Oct 22 7:28 AM
Check the below function modules. Seee if they are useful.
2010 Oct 22 9:10 AM
it's not an easy task manage the update of the deadlines in the shipment via BDC, because you have to use scrolling.
So, as suggested by others SCN members, it is better to use the BAPI method BAPI_SHIPMENT_CHANGE.
I cannot find the related documentation but you can check the documentation of the BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE function module; it uses the same structures in order to update the deadlines of the shipment header.
I also consulted the OSS and, for the BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE method, I found a very interesting and useful OSS note which explains very well how to fill and use the interface structures in order to update the header dates.
[Note 531207 - Use of BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE Concerning shipping statuses|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/531207]
The OSS note 531207 contains even a very useful ABAP example that you might use and adapt for your issue; in the sample ABAP the following dates are mentioned:
VTTK-DATEN -> Actual dates for end-of-shipment
VTTK-UATEN -> Actual shipment end time
It's not much, but with a little effort, you should be able to resolve your issue.
All the best for your work!
2010 Oct 22 10:11 AM
njoy transactions are object oriented hence it uses classes and othet OOP's basics hence it does not supports BDC use standard BAPI or FM.
2010 Oct 22 11:17 AM
Hi all, I'm starting to test the BAPIs / FMs you mentioned. Right now i'm doing it on a trial and error basis.
However, I can't seem to find documentations on these objects. (Plus the descriptions are in German..) Even the mentioned OSS note, I can't access that, requires login.
Anyways, the general idea i'm getting here is to use a combination of BAPI-FM or FM-FM. I'm guessing that SD_SHIPMENTS_SAVE is supposed to fully 'save' whatever changes the previous BAPI or FM applied. Correct me if i'm wrong on this.
2010 Oct 22 12:32 PM
4 your issue I created the following wiki page
[Use of BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE|http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/UseofBAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATEconcerningshippingstatuses%28and+deadlines%29]
with the extract of above mentioned OSS Note.
Edited by: Andrea Olivieri on Oct 22, 2010 10:33 PM
Missing Link