2023 Aug 29 3:00 PM
I am getting OData response with Status code 201 as Created for the POST method. However, the HTTP response values as not readable (%23%20%20%20%20%20%20%201). How do I fix this?
2023 Aug 29 10:50 PM
It looks like the primary key is a string with "#" sign, 7 spaces, then "201", i.e. "# 201".
Spaces in URLs always have to be percent-encoded, and so do hash signs if they appear in the "path" component of the URL.
Maybe contact your server team to check if it is expected (or not) that the primary key contains "#" and spaces.
(Or if the key is client-generated, then check the client app code).
For more info, see RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax (rfc-editor.org)