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VA03 updates VL02N automatically

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I had a strange problem with sale order display.: VA03 updates VL02N automatically.

I am displaying sale order using va03 transaction , then will go into the order and then coming out from the transaction .

Then automatically the delivery related to that sale order getting updated with that user id.

This is happening only to the sale orders where delivery has been created and invoice is not done?

kindly request you all if any body knows why this is happening pls let me know .

I am assuming some userexit is triggering this update and working on this to find out that?

Thank you very much for your help


Phani Miriyala.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Yes, you're correct - there is some bad user exit code embedded in the sales order code. You can find it either with a trace (ST05) of the transaction (look for the direct update call) or go to the field in the delivery table and double-click on it from SE11, then do a where-used for the field - look for the sales order exit programs in the list.

0 Kudos

Because of the user exit MV45AFZA we have got the issue and restricted the user exit not to function when dispaly transaction has been used.