2008 Jun 18 8:41 PM
In 4.6 I had the required code in an user exit EXIT_SAPLV56I_004 which is called in LV56IF2D. Now in ECC 6.0 when i want to have a similar implementation using enhancement fwk, should I do like this ?
Create an enhancement spot, create a BADI. Call that BADI from the include ZXV56U05 (which is present in EXIT_SAPLV56I_004 ) ? Is this a right approach ?
If yes then where are we eliminating user exit ? Isn't the idea to eliminate user exit and replace with OO BADI call (which has the advantage of being deactivated and can have multiple implementations )?
Rather, I thought is there a way where I can enhance LV56IF2D and instead of CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION '004', I can call the BADI dierctly ?
Please advise the best approach.
2008 Jun 19 9:10 PM
According with my experience, I think you consider the following:
If user exit EXIT_SAPLV56I_004 exist then use it. If it does not exist then I suggest you look at transaction code SPRO and try to locate an equivalent BADI o Enhancement and use it.
Although SAP actually allow implementation of user exit and BADI for compatibility reasons, your future enhancements must consider utilization of enhancement framework (enhancement spots). There are no enough reasons to make an extra effort making a migration of all user exits o badi you have in your system.
In other words, you must implement enhancement through enhancement framework only for your new enhancements or if there are another powerful reason.
Furthermore, enhancement framework is little known yet.
I suggest you to read an excelent blog from Thomas Weiss about enhancement framework.
[https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/3336] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken];
Best regards.
Rafael Rojas.
2008 Jun 19 9:10 PM
According with my experience, I think you consider the following:
If user exit EXIT_SAPLV56I_004 exist then use it. If it does not exist then I suggest you look at transaction code SPRO and try to locate an equivalent BADI o Enhancement and use it.
Although SAP actually allow implementation of user exit and BADI for compatibility reasons, your future enhancements must consider utilization of enhancement framework (enhancement spots). There are no enough reasons to make an extra effort making a migration of all user exits o badi you have in your system.
In other words, you must implement enhancement through enhancement framework only for your new enhancements or if there are another powerful reason.
Furthermore, enhancement framework is little known yet.
I suggest you to read an excelent blog from Thomas Weiss about enhancement framework.
[https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/3336] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken];
Best regards.
Rafael Rojas.