2011 Dec 14 4:31 PM
Hello experts,
I am using OPEN DATASET, TRANSFER and CLOSE DATASET instead of the GUI_DOWNLOAD since it is not able to work in batch mode.
When I used my program to donwload into some pre-defined logical path of my server GUI_DOWNLOAD worked OK.
Now, I am trying to do the same but as far as I experienced OPEN DATASET doesn't allows me to input a different path which is not the (internally, and I don't know how it is...) predetermined. This is an extract from the coding:
data: D_MSG_TEXT(50), myFN(128) type c.
open dataset myFN for output
in text mode
encoding default
message D_MSG_TEXT.
break-point. "<-- When I debug D_MSG_TEXT shows "Permission denied" msg
if sy-subrc ne 0.
*** ErrorMsg ***
loop at itab into xtab.
transfer xtab to myFN.
close dataset myFN.
If I enter as parameter: mytest1.csv (then it creates the file into this path: "usr/sap/MYSRV/instance/work")
But if I enter the complete path as I want:
myserver\info\mytest1.csv, it doesn't works and D_MSG_TEXT shows "Permission denied", only in debugging mode.
I talked to the basis team and they say everything is ok in authorization matters. Is there something wrong or that I am forgetting to use? Please need your help.
Best regards,
2011 Dec 14 4:43 PM
Check whether you are using a path on the Application Server.
OPEN DATASET cannot process files on presentation server. I guess, the path you are using is present on your PC or some other server that is not the SAP application server.
2011 Dec 14 4:43 PM
Check whether you are using a path on the Application Server.
OPEN DATASET cannot process files on presentation server. I guess, the path you are using is present on your PC or some other server that is not the SAP application server.
2011 Dec 14 5:04 PM
Hello Vishnu,
is a server's location, not in my PC.
2011 Dec 14 5:08 PM
The path has to already exist on the application server. If it does not then OPEN DATASET with not work
2011 Dec 14 7:52 PM
Basis changed the location to another one having enough authorizations and it worked all Ok. Thank you all.