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User roles got deleted after PFCG

Former Member
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Hello ,

we have observed in system and received the compaliant from SAP system user that there roles are missing.

we have investigated and found when we are adding user to role and doing the User Comparision user role are getting deleted for other user, for other role which we have not mentioned or touched.

Perhaps any one experience this issue before

Any Help would be appreciated.

Warm Regards,

Vivekanand Pandey

SAP NetWeaver Technology Consultant


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> we have investigated and found when we are adding user to role and doing the User Comparision user role are getting deleted for other user, for other role which we have not mentioned or touched.

Looks like the other role assignments were out of date (expired). Working as designed.

If you're not sure about assignment dates you can avoid this problem by using the user management tools for role assignment instead of PFCG.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Vivekanand,

are really the role assignements deleted? Or simply the profile assignements of the mentioned roles?

If the profile assignements are removed, that could be (beside Jurjens tip) also because of reaching the upper limit of 312 assigned profiles for that users. So if a user has already 312 profiles assigned, and you add another role containing lets say 1 profile, another profile is kicked out of user master data at user comparison.



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Hello Bernhard,

Thanks a lot for your valuable information.

I am not knew this - So if a user has already 312 profiles assigned, and you add another role containing lets say 1 profile, another profile is kicked out of user master data at user comparison.

I will check and revert back.

I would be thankfull if you can provide me any SAP document or URL where above statement are mentioned.

Warm Regards,

Vivekanand Pandey

SAP NetWeaver Technology Consultant

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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[SAP Note 841612|]


[SAP Note 1015281|]



Edited by: Bernhard Hochreiter on Mar 18, 2009 11:32 AM

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Hello Bernhard

Thanks a lot for your Prompt reply and Valuabale information

I still have doubt if i work we on user W000384 to delete some role of SAP then how it affected on other user for other role Is there any way to find out.

Please find the log.

User Date Time Name of Rolle Action Changed TCod First name last Name Department Beginn date End date

W000199 2/11/2009 10:41:04 Y1111_FI_AA_KEY_REPORTS Allocation deleted IN04418 PFCG Henrik Leps ACZM5 7/30/2007 12/31/9999

W000199 2/11/2009 10:43:01 Y1111_FI_AR_KEY_REPORTS Allocation deleted IN04418 PFCG Henrik Leps ACZM5 7/30/2007 12/31/9999

W000199 2/11/2009 10:46:16 Y1111_FI_GL_KEY_REPORTS Allocation deleted IN04418 PFCG Henrik Leps ACZM5 7/30/2007 12/31/9999

W000384 2/11/2009 11:11:49 Y0010_CO_COST_CENTRE_MANAGER Allocation deleted IN04418 PFCG Regina Sept PTE 9/25/2003 11/3/2004

W000384 2/11/2009 11:11:49 Y0010_COST_CENTRE_MANAGER Allocation deleted IN04418 PFCG Regina Sept PTE 9/25/2003 11/3/2004

W000384 2/11/2009 11:13:04 Y0010_HR_TRAVEL_COST_SECR_0033 Allocation deleted IN04418 PFCG Regina Sept PTE 7/11/2003 10/31/2004

W000384 2/11/2009 11:11:50 Y1111_CO_CONTROLLING_DIS_LOW Allocation deleted IN04418 PFCG Regina Sept PTE 9/25/2003 11/3/2004

W000441 2/11/2009 15:41:40 Y1111_PP_LABEL_PRINTING_SPEC Allocation deleted IN04418 PFCG Viktor Köhn SMES 9/5/2005 12/31/9999


Vivekanand Pandey

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


as of your log I understand, that the role assignements themselves got deleted, not only the profile assignements....

Do you use HR-ORG?

Maybe some HR-relations have been outdated. Unforutnately I don't know, how the hr-comparison works, but maybe if user W000384 is part of an org.level, the whole level (containing all the persons/users) is compared....



0 Kudos


> HI,


> as of your log I understand, that the role assignements themselves got deleted, not only the profile assignements....


> Do you use HR-ORG?

> Maybe some HR-relations have been outdated. Unforutnately I don't know, how the hr-comparison works, but maybe if user W000384 is part of an org.level, the whole level (containing all the persons/users) is compared....


> b.rgds,

> Bernhard

I think Bernhard is on to something. I personally have experience this problem when I cloned an account that have HR base position roles assigned to a test user. The test user will show the HR base position roles in SU01 but will get deleted after a User Comparison is performed on the role/roles.

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It should be mostly related to HR-ORG as others pointed out.

But just wanted to point out another possibility!

Do you have a CUA for this client ?

We had this problem when one of our systems was connected to CUA.

CUA went down for a while, so we made role assignemnts directly in the client.

After the CUA was back up and running, when we try to assign one of those roles to a user, all

user who were assigned that role while the CUA was down were impacted. We were aware that this would happen.



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Hi Bernhard,

Thanks for your input.

Yes! the Client do have the SAP HR system But i have doubt if they have any link for this.

I have tried to reproduce the error with test user but it not showning

what i did ?

1.I have coppied user and profile which was affected with the new Test user

2. I have assigned deleted and added the role

But it seems that there is some thing with the SAP HR system to do.

Still we have not any conclusion