2006 May 24 8:26 PM
I have seen a number of threads on how to extract a list of User Modified SAP Objects...including use of SMODILOG, TADIR, etc. tables. A bit confusing. I wanted to know if somebody knows the meaning of values in SMODILOG fields such as ACTIVE, INACTIVE, etc. so I can use them to subset objects that are not relevant to my search. Is the Transport number in SMODILOG the first or last applied ? Also, what is the key difference between TADIR and SMODILOG.
- Yusuf
2006 May 24 8:28 PM
I would use the Modification Browser ie SE95 for this purpose.
Suresh Datti
2006 May 24 8:28 PM
I would use the Modification Browser ie SE95 for this purpose.
Suresh Datti
2006 May 24 8:34 PM
>>Is the Transport number in SMODILOG the first or last applied ?
It is the most recent one ie the last applied.
>>> active/inactive
Both the fields accept the following values.. you can probably omit inactive = 'X' from your search.
Default; post-processing completed
W Post-processing required
U SAP Note correction not adjusted yet
P Dummy entries in SMODILOG: PROT_ONLY entry already existed
R Dummy entries in SMODILOG: RESET entry already existed
X Obsolete entry
Suresh Datti
2006 May 24 9:09 PM
>>Also, what is the key difference between TADIR and SMODILOG
All the Repository Objects can be found in TADIR whereas you will find only the modified Objects in SMODILOG.
If TADIR-SRCDEP = 'R', it means the Object is in a repair in an unreleased request.
Suresh Datti