2009 Jun 19 6:52 AM
Hi ,
I need to access User Exit related to IW21 , IW22 Transactions.
I require the user exit to customize process for a specific Notification type 'KS'.
User exit when a notificatrion Type is created & when it is modified.
2009 Jun 19 6:55 AM
[Click here|https://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/x/arY] or search before posting.
2009 Jun 19 6:59 AM
Check EXIT_SAPLIWO1_001, yo have import parameter (TQ80-QMART Notification Type)
SAP enhancement IWOC0001
2009 Jun 19 6:59 AM
User Exits and Badi's For IW21 & IW22
IQS0_STATUS_MAINTAIN Control of Changeability of User Status
IWO1_SUBSCREEN_0170 Display Additional Data on Object Screen 0170 PhysicalSample
IWOC_LIST_TUNING Performance Tuning for Lists in PM/CS
IWOC_OBJECTINFO_CHNG Changes to Data of Object Info Screen
NOTIF_AUTHORITY_01 Additional Authorization Checks for the Notification
WOC_FL_DETERMINE Determine Date for Determining Installation Loc. Equi.
IWO10026 User check on setting status 'Do not perform'
IWO10027 User exit: Generate user-defined settlement rule
IWOC0001 Create PM/SM notification: Determine reference object
IWOC0002 PM/SM notification: Check whether status change is allowed
IWOC0003 PM/SM authorization check of ref. object and planner group
IWOC0004 Change single-level list editing PM/QM/SM ALV settings