2012 May 29 12:00 AM
hello friends can help me I need to find a user-exit or another solution, to place the current date in the "invoice date" tab "data set", field fkdat, data element fkdat, RV60A table, the Dynpro is the 8002
Still do not get a user exit that I can serve
I hope your support thanks
2012 May 29 7:17 AM
Goto the program SDBILLDL. In the initialization event you can see an enhancement point SDBILLDL_04. Create an implementation in it. Add the code pv_fkdat = sy-datum.
It works. I checked.
2012 May 29 4:24 AM
Hi Arturo,
I didnt get any userexit for this.
What you can do is:
1) Go to VF04.
2) Go to -> Variants -> Save as Variants
3) Go to the field Billing Date and Click on selection variable and mark it as D and in name of variable mark it as Current Date.
4) Save the variant and apply it to VF04. You can see today's date being defaulted there.
5) Now go to SE93 and enter VF04 and edit.
6) Enter the variant you created in Start with Variant.
This will default the value of FKDAT as current date.
2012 May 29 7:17 AM
Goto the program SDBILLDL. In the initialization event you can see an enhancement point SDBILLDL_04. Create an implementation in it. Add the code pv_fkdat = sy-datum.
It works. I checked.
2012 May 29 10:52 PM
friend thanks for your answer, you helped me solve the problem that had
Shambu VS thanks for the suggestion you gave