2010 Mar 31 11:16 AM
Good day every one.
I did a userexit for iw41. i got a problem with finding the activity rate. As per fucspec
Find the activity rate [TOGnnn] in table COST WHERE nnn = currnet financial period and GJAHR = current financial year and Objnr = cssl-objnr and versn = '0'.
My problem is first comparission. bcoz 'nnn' field is not in the cost table.. but as per spec TOGnnn is the camparison field with current financial period.
Activity Rate fieldes looks like : TOG001, TOG002, TOG003, TOG004,TOG005,TOG006,TOG007,TOG008,TOG009,TOG010,TOG011,TOG012.
select single * from cost into ls_cost where togxxx = lv_poper and " my problem is here
gjahr = lv_gjahr and
objnr = ls_cssl-objnr and
versn = '0'.
I need to compare numaric degits after tog..with lv_poper.so how to read the numaric degits exact eq to lv_poper[current financial period]
if any one knows how to do it? plz let me know
2010 Mar 31 12:28 PM
try something like this:
select single * from cost
gjahr = lv_gjahr and
objnr = ls_cssl-objnr and
versn = '0'.
field-symbols <f_TOG> like COST-TOG001.
data sact(30).
concatenate 'COST-TOG' lv_poper into sact.
assign (sact) to <f_TOG>.
if <f_TOG> is assigned
* here <f_TOG> should be filled with desired value
2010 Mar 31 12:28 PM
try something like this:
select single * from cost
gjahr = lv_gjahr and
objnr = ls_cssl-objnr and
versn = '0'.
field-symbols <f_TOG> like COST-TOG001.
data sact(30).
concatenate 'COST-TOG' lv_poper into sact.
assign (sact) to <f_TOG>.
if <f_TOG> is assigned
* here <f_TOG> should be filled with desired value
2010 Mar 31 12:48 PM
2010 Mar 31 1:24 PM