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Use of RSPC in ECC

Former Member
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I have a requirement to execute a series of ABAP programs in our ECC system where some steps in the process can execute in parallell, and the successful completion of 1 step can trigger multiple other programs.  Some programs may need to wait for multiple other programs to complete.  There is also a need to be able to restart the process in the event of failure in one of the steps without having to execute the whole process again.

The Process Chain tool (trans RSPC) seems to be a good option for this, but I have never used it for this purpose and not in an ECC system (rather than a dedicated BW instance).

Does anyone have any experience of doing this?  Do you know if there are any license implications? Were there any other issues?

I know that I could achieve the same using a number of options, including workflow and jobs based upon events, but neither seem to be as elegant as using the process chain tool.




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if in your  ECC system  you can enter in transaction RSA1  you can easily use also RSPC with any licence constraint. BW is installed on the same instance of ECC

you can use in RSPC the ABAP program options and use all the advanced scheduling features present in that process chains BW tool

hope it helps