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Urgent help needed!!!!:Validation checks while using BAPI_ISUACCOUNT_CHANGE

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I have to update contract account data(CAA2) for which I was advised to use BAPI_ISUACCOUNT_CHANGE but as due to some 'z' fields were added to the bapiisuvkp structure I have to make a custom function module copying the standard function module and making the respective changes to update the 'z' fields. I have created a program in which the data would come from a flat file in the application server and through the custom function module that I have created, the data would be updated.

The data is getting updated but the problem arises when validation scenario comes.

While doing negative testing with unvalid data the fields are getting updated without throwing any validation checks except the contract account ,buisness partner and the account class.

Lets say for example

1.Bank Det Inc was updated as "AAAA" and is invalid

2.Bank ID - Outgoing was updated as "AAAA" and is invalid

The same scenario also happens while using the standard function module BAPI_ISUACCOUNT_CHANGE.

Is there any solution or way through which I can validate the data while updating the contract account?

Edited by: MITHUN PAL on Dec 24, 2007 1:40 PM


Former Member
0 Kudos

hi Mithun

you can do a expliit val;idation check in your zprogram before calling the BAPI. infact this is advisable as it would improve the preformance of the program even...

Table FKKVK - Contract Account Header may be handy in this case..

