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uploading infotype 0008(Basic PaY) using tcode PA30 by LSMW

Former Member
0 Kudos

Trying to run the tcode PA30 and giving the Personnel Number – 1000016 and Infotype – 0008 (Basic Pay) in the first screen, it is running fine, i.e., calculating the Wage Type automatically from the values entered – like Reason, PS type, PS Area, PS Group, Level and Annual Salary as in the Screen shot provided and it giving the Wage Type And Amount automatically.

However, if I am giving the same data from the LSMW BDC session recording, it is giving a pop-up PLEASE ENTER THE WAGETYPE FOR PERIOD SALARY CALCULATION.

Kindly inform me whether there is anything to do from the configuration side for the same.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi amir,

1. Try first with recording

and re-run the recording

to check whether it is getting simulated

properly or not !

2. After etner pstype, ps area, level, annual salary,


3. Then enter the BASIC/GROSS

amount in the table control

and again press ENTER.

The same sequnce of operations

should get simulated.


amit m.

0 Kudos


Thanx for the reply, i am BALA working in this with Amir,

we have tried with recording multiple times and the same problem arises every time stating the same error message.

If we follow the process u suggested we are still getting the error, one thing can be done on this if we can write the code in LSMW portion but again the logic for this seems to be cumbursome, it will be best if u can suggest certain logic for that or configuration settings.

Thanx again,


0 Kudos

Hi bala & aamir,

1. In customization img, or sap help,

there is a standard sap program

which uploads data into infotype 0008

It expects an excel file

with one row for each employee

along with the fields of wage type and its values !

2. I don't know the program name,

i m searching .


amit m.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi again,

1. Probably this will help u

(from standard sap help)

For transferring your legacy data and uploading the same into the SAP R/3 system, you are provided with a:

¡ HR Template - Payroll.xls (Microsoft Excel) file, containing templates that drive the data load programs, for converting the legacy data.

¡ Data load program (HINUULK0 ) that facilitates the transfer of data into the SAP R/3 system. It loads the data saved in the spreadsheet into the Payroll Account Transfer: Payroll Periods table (T558B), and Payroll Account Transfer: Old Wage Types table (T558C) in the SAP R/3 system. These are the data conversion tables for the Mid Year Go Live functionality.

¡ Standard executable schema (INLK) that formats the uploaded legacy data, into SAP Payroll Period results and stores the results in relevant payroll cluster tables.


amit m.

0 Kudos


Many thanx for the xplanation, i am a bit confused, kindly clear my it that we need to have these tables uploaded before running the tcode - PA30 and infotype - 0008? Are these the prerequisites? how it will help me in creating the background session successfully in LSMW?



0 Kudos

Hi bala,

1. I have not tried the programs.

2. however, i would like to say that

the responsibility of uploading

the data into the system

lies with the functional consultant.

3. The functional consultant can use

LSMW or instruct abaper to make bdc

(provided he gives the specifications)


amit m.