2009 Jun 09 9:41 AM
hi all ,
i want to display the images in tables by uploading then through any technique . so want can i do for this problem i think u all help me.
thanks a lot
2009 Jun 09 9:48 AM
please follow these steps:
Steps for uploading Logo :-:
1. Goto the transaction OAER
2. Enter the class name as 'PICTURES'
3. Enter the class type as 'OT'
4. Enter the object key as the name of the logo you wish to give
5. Execute
6. Then in the new screen select Standard doc. types in bottom window
Click on the Screen icon
Now, it will ask for the file path where you have to upload the logo
original link:
For using in smartform, just RIGHT CLIK ON MAIN PAGE >> CREATE >> GRAPHIC
and give path name and other desired info in genral attributes tab.
Shailesh Jadhav
2009 Jun 09 10:03 AM
hi shailash thanks a lot i undrestood want u said but acctually where i am getting the problem i just explain to u then u please solve my problem for example i want to upload all details of my office members using transaction techniques like LSMW BDC BAPI here i am uploading all the details like name id no and so on but here i am unable upload images of my office members so want i do to solve my problem.
thanks a lot.
2009 Jun 09 12:49 PM
hi ,
i done the process which u gave to me but in that we r going to upload file from SAP into non SAp like MS word. but i want upload image into SAP tables
2009 Jun 09 1:40 PM