2020 Feb 05 4:38 PM
Hi Everyone,
I have PDF file exist in AL11 and want to upload same file in DMS system using BAPI: BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHANGE2 . Created DMS document number first using BAPI: BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE , then calling change BAPI to attach document from application server by giving application server path and file name. Please guys, it's bit urgent, have been trying from past 2 days, but couldn't achieve this.
Could you pls suggest me, is it possible to upload file from Al11 into DMS ? It seems, it's possible, but couldn't find a way.
Followed link: https://blogs.sap.com/2013/11/25/create-an-sap-dms-document-attaching-a-file-from-the-application-se...
But i'm unable to attach document in DMS. Please look into below mentioned code and suggest me, am i missing anything.
*******--- Code ----------------------
***---- Create DMS Document
CLEAR ls_documentdata.
ls_documentdata-documenttype = dms_key-dokar. "'ZRM'.
ls_documentdata-description = lv_dartxt. "'Testing DMS-Ecratum'.
ls_documentdata-username = sy-uname.
ls_documentdata-statusextern = 'RE'.
documentdata = ls_documentdata
doctype = dms_key-dokar
docnumber = dms_key-doknr
docpart = dms_key-doktl
docversion = dms_key-dokvr
return = ls_return.
wait = abap_true
return = ls_return.
*****---- Attach document by getting file from application server
TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_document_hdr,
type TYPE dokar,
number TYPE doknr,
part TYPE doktl_d,
version TYPE dokvr,
END OF ts_document_hdr.
DATA: ls_document_hdr TYPE ts_document_hdr,
" ls_documentdata TYPE bapi_doc_draw2,
ls_documentdatax TYPE bapi_doc_drawx2.
* Document Header
ls_document_hdr-type = dms_key-dokar.
ls_document_hdr-number = dms_key-doknr.
ls_document_hdr-part = dms_key-doktl.
ls_document_hdr-version = dms_key-dokvr.
* Document Data
ls_documentdata1-wsapplication2 = 'PDF'."p_filty.
ls_documentdatax-wsapplication2 = abap_true.
ls_documentdata1-docfile2 = '/usr/sap/trans/FlowChart.pdf'. "p_path && p_filnm.
ls_documentdatax-docfile2 = abap_true.
* Document Files
ls_files-documenttype = ls_document_hdr-type.
ls_files-documentnumber = ls_document_hdr-number.
ls_files-documentpart = ls_document_hdr-part.
ls_files-documentversion = ls_document_hdr-version.
ls_files-docpath = '/usr/sap/trans/'. "p_path.
ls_files-docfile = 'FlowChart.pdf'. "p_filnm.
ls_files-description = 'Filename' && '/usr/sap/trans/' && 'FlowChart.pdf'.
ls_files-wsapplication = 'PDF'. "p_filty.
* ls_files-sourcedatacarrier = 'DV-1' . "p_datcar.
ls_files-originaltype = '1'.
ls_files-storagecategory = 'DMS_C1_ST'. " Here tried with "SAP-SYSTEM"
APPEND ls_files TO lt_files.
* Attach file to the Document.
documenttype = ls_document_hdr-type
documentnumber = ls_document_hdr-number
documentpart = ls_document_hdr-part
documentversion = ls_document_hdr-version
documentdata = ls_documentdata1
documentdatax = ls_documentdatax
return = ls_return
documentfiles = lt_files.
IF ls_return-type NE 'E'.
wait = abap_true.
MESSAGE s000(zz) WITH 'Success'.
MESSAGE ID ls_return-id TYPE ls_return-type NUMBER ls_return-number
WITH ls_return-message_v1 ls_return-message_v2 ls_return-message_v3 ls_return-message_v4.
After running above code, am getting below error.
As requested, pls it's very urgent.please do needful
Madan Chandragiri
2020 Feb 06 8:33 AM
Check the authorization object 'S_GUI' id 'ACTVT' field '60'.
2020 Feb 06 11:09 AM
Hi Ibrahim,
Have mentioned auth and value as shown below. Any other suggestion.
FYI... I have SAP_ALL
2020 Feb 06 12:32 PM
2020 Feb 07 8:23 PM
madan.c I removed the image because it included usernames, which I thought might be personal identifying information. (Please see rules of engagement: https://community.sap.com/resources/rules-of-engagement.) You're welcome to add the image back or upload a new one as long as you're certain that you aren't including any personal information that would violate our rules of engagement.
2020 Feb 06 12:42 PM
In the blog you refer to, there are two parameters not use in your code.
documentdata = ls_documentdata
pf_ftp_dest = 'SAPFTPA' <----
pf_http_dest = 'SAPHTTPA' <----
2020 Feb 06 1:10 PM
Though i passed these 2 parameters initially, got same message. So i changed calling change bapi instead of create2 bapi.
2020 Feb 06 1:43 PM
When you check the error message Where-used, this is always used to real local file (from sapgui). So I think the key of this blog is to use this SAPFTPA or SAPHTTA to simulate reading local file.
If you read the comments behind the blog, some people have issue with this blog and do another way.
2020 Feb 06 1:53 PM
Hi Frederic,
As said, though i used SAPFTPA or SAPHTTA, i got same error message. My requirement is clear that, want to attach file in DMS by creating DMS document number from application server.
As per blog: https://blogs.sap.com/2013/11/25/create-an-sap-dms-document-attaching-a-file-from-the-application-se...
it's possible to attch document in DMS by providing application server path and file name. But i'm not able to achieve this.
Can anyone pls provide working code, if you have already or suggest me at least what else i need to follow.
Madan Chandragiri
2020 Feb 06 2:29 PM
As said by Frederic, use SAPFTPA/SAPHTTPA.
Are you sure that the file exists on your application server (double check the name and path, pay attention to lower case and upper case). Eventually,
Are you sure you have FTP and file system authorization (transaction ST01)?
If you never used SAPFTPA before, try to regenerate it by calling the program RSFTP005.
Eventually do an RFC trace on SAPFTPA via SM59 and run program RSRFCTRC (I don't know what it will trace). BE CAREFUL: deactivate the trace after you have used it.
2020 Feb 06 3:33 PM
Hi Sandra,
Yea. The PDF file exist in application server that should be uploaded in DMS. As you suggested, cross checked application server path and file name, everything seems ok, and called program: RSFTP005, and checked the Trace as well in ST01. Frankly speaking, didn;t get any trace.
Tried again by passing SAPFTPA/SAPHTTPA using BAPI:BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2, am still getting same error. Any other suggestions to work it out or any working code .
Madan Chandragiri
2020 Feb 06 1:59 PM
I'm sorry but people won't help you faster because it's "very urgent". You know, People only care of their own colleagues/friends... 😉
2020 Feb 06 2:01 PM
In your screenshot, there is the variable LS_RET, but your code doesn't contain it (I only see LS_RETURN). Can you explain?
2020 Feb 06 3:51 PM
Hi Sandra,
Please find below code.
CLEAR ls_documentdata.
ls_documentdata-documenttype = dms_key-dokar. "'ZRM'.
ls_documentdata-description = lv_dartxt. "'Testing DMS-Ecratum'.
ls_documentdata-username = sy-uname.
ls_documentdata-statusextern = 'RE'.
ls_drat-language = 'EN'.
ls_drat-description = 'Test file'.
APPEND ls_drat TO lt_drat.
CLEAR ls_files.
ls_files-originaltype = '1'.
ls_files-storagecategory = 'SAP-SYSTEM'.
ls_files-docpath = '/usr/sap/trans/'.
ls_files-docfile = 'example.pdf'.
ls_files-description = 'Testing file.pdf'.
ls_files-wsapplication = 'PDF'.
ls_files-language = sy-langu.
APPEND ls_files TO lt_files.
documentdata = ls_documentdata
pf_ftp_dest = 'SAPFTPA'
pf_http_dest = 'SAPHTTPA'
documenttype = lv_docty
documentnumber = lv_docnr
documentpart = lv_docpr
documentversion = lv_docvr
return = ls_ret
documentfiles = lt_files
documentdescriptions = lt_drat.
IF ls_ret-type NE 'E'.
wait = abap_true.
Getting below error while running
2020 Feb 06 4:40 PM
2020 Feb 07 1:02 PM
Hi Sandra,
Thank you very much for provided code, but still i'm getting sam error. Created dummp program and run in background as well. But no luck. Any other suggestion pls....
Madan Chandrgairi
2024 Feb 28 7:25 AM
Dear Sandra ,
The link is expired please can you repost again.
2020 Feb 07 1:20 PM
The following class may help for DMS side: https://github.com/keremkoseoglu/ABAP-Library/blob/master/ZCL_BC_DMS_TOOLKIT.abap
2020 Jun 23 8:04 PM
Hi All,
I have a small question on DMS.
While creating the document via FM ‘BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2’ its goes into error “document category and documetn discpline required, we have customize the DMS as these two are always to be put as manadtory , how to handle this in progrm.
Please suggest.
Thanks & Regards,
Raj Singh
2024 Feb 28 6:45 AM
Dear MADAN ,
Have you got any solution for this i am still stuck in my case document number is getting generated but the file path provided of al11 bapi is picking the file name but data is stored as zero kb in DMS docs. please help if you found any root cause for same.
2024 Jul 09 5:15 PM
Hi Durgaprasad,
Have you got the solution, I'm also facing the same issue.
Thank you in Advance.