2008 Sep 01 12:48 AM
Hi All ,
I am not able to Update two Zfields in vbap using FM BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2, In create mode I am able to save values into those fields .
I have checked the fields in structures
ZZVBAP (append structure of VBAP)
ZZBAPE_VBAP (append structure of BAPE_VBAP)
ZZBAPE_VBAPX (append structure of BAPE_VBAPX)
ZZVBAPKOZ (append structure of VBAPKOZ)
what could be the other reason for these zfields not saving in update mode .
Vinay Kolla
2008 Nov 24 9:29 AM
You have to write Wrapper Bapi for
in which you will call standard bapi BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 and as well as code for adding the fields to Zfields.....
Take Care...
2008 Nov 24 9:33 AM
You can use implicit enhancement to include new fields to be added in BAPI. Because in BAPI, field by field mapping is there. just find FM "sd_salesdocument_create" and then find where ITEM details are to be filled.
If you still have problem, reply back,,, because I just worked in thsi BAPI for same scenario.
2008 Nov 24 11:04 AM
Thanks Guys ,
The issue is resolved , the reason for that two fields not updating was the order of these fields is different in VBAP and BAPE_VBAPX .
Vinay kolla