2008 Jan 16 9:02 PM
Hi All,
Here in our firm we have a Z table with data in it. As part of the new requirement I had to add a new key field in it.
Now I have to maintain values for these key fields in the already existing data.
I cannot maintain it though SM30 as the maintenance view grays that field in SM30.
Is there any way of updating this new key field data in database.
2008 Jan 16 9:06 PM
You should be able to do this through an ABAP update program. It may depend on your database though, to change key fields.
2008 Jan 16 9:06 PM
You should be able to do this through an ABAP update program. It may depend on your database though, to change key fields.
2008 Jan 16 9:36 PM
Hi Rob,
I have tried updating it through a custom program but it is not updating in database.
Could you tell me how it depends on database ? If I know I would make the necessary changes.
2008 Jan 16 9:41 PM
2008 Jan 16 10:03 PM
Hi Rob,
This is just a test code I was writing. Just to see if it updates a single line or not.
itab_gso-WORK_COUNTRY = 'US'.
itab_gso-GLB_ORG = 'GCA'.
itab_gso-GLB_SORG = 'CA001'.
itab_gso-HC_GROUP = 'CA00001'.
itab_gso-LEVEL3_GROUP = 'CA00001'.
append itab_gso.
clear itab_gso.
loop at itab_gso.
select single * from ZTHRPA_GSO_HC where WORK_COUNTRY = itab_gso-work_country and
GLB_ORG = itab_gso-glb_org and GLB_SORG = itab_gso-glb_sorg and
HC_GROUP = itab_gso-hc_group.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
update ZTHRPA_GSO_HC from itab_gso.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
write:/ 'error'.
write:/ ' lines updated'.
write:/ itab_gso-work_country,
2008 Jan 16 10:21 PM
Hello Kajal,
an update will fail, as you want to change the keys of your records (the same in SM30 -> the new field is blank and cannot be modified).
Therefore you've two options:
SM30 -> mark all entries -> copy -> add value to your new field
After copying the records, you can select all records with the empty field in the key and delete them.
depending on the no. of entries, a report will be the better option:
Select all existing entries
Loop at all selected records
-> add a value to your new key field
-> INSERT into Z-table
delete all entries where your new field is initial
Best regards
2008 Jan 16 10:49 PM
Hi Stephan,
Looks like this is the only way of updating the new field data in the table.
But I wanted to confirm on this. Thanks a lot of both the ideas.
2008 Jan 17 4:49 PM
Stephan - this is incorrect (it least in a DB2 and probably an Oracle environment). You can change key fields of a table. I made the same mistake a few months ago and someone pointed it out to me. When I actuallly tried changing a key field, I was surprised to find that it worked.
2008 Jan 17 5:56 PM
Hi Rob,
So you think I can update the new key field using the ABAP code in database.
Did you see my code which I posted.
I am getting error. What maybe the prob ?
2008 Jan 17 6:06 PM
Well, what's the error.
I tried chaning a key field before I posted, so I know that in DB2 it works. What database are you on?
2008 Jan 17 6:25 PM
2008 Jan 17 6:35 PM
There were two questions there. the other is - what error are you getting?
Is it sy-subrc = '4' ? It looks like your program is trying to create duplicate keys which is not allowed.
2008 Jan 17 6:41 PM
I am getting sy-subrc = 4. But I don't think there are any duplicates created when I am updating.
I tried to update a single line first with the new field.
2008 Jan 17 6:48 PM
From F1 on UPDATE:
The Return Code is set as follows:
The specified line has been updated.
The system could not update any line in the table, since there is no line with the specified primary key.
I see that you've also marked this question as answered, you might consider taking that off and assigning points to the people who have helped.
2008 Jan 17 6:59 PM
Hi Rob,
I know what sy-subrc stands for in an update statement. Thanks anyway.
I marked this question answered as I thought Stephan gave the way to update the database...which I
tried and entries were updated.
But I will have to try this update ABAP code ...untill its gets updated I don't think it has solved the issue.
2008 Jan 17 7:05 PM
2008 Jan 17 8:38 PM
Do any of the records get updated? Have you stepped through this in debugging?
2008 Jan 17 8:49 PM
Hello Rob,
thank you for this information. Up to now, I thougth, that it is impossible to update the primary key. I've checked it in our system and it works. But it seems, that you have to use the "update set" to update a field of the primary key - am I correct?
I've created a table:
Field Key Data element
Then I've tried the following coding:
data: wa_test type zithtest.
select single * from zithtest into wa_test.
move: 'DE' to wa_test-spras.
update zithtest from wa_test.
write: sy-subrc.
select * from zithtest into wa_test.
write: / wa_test.
result: sy-subrc = 4 and no update of the primary key
Then I've tried the following:
data: wa_test type zithtest.
select single * from zithtest into wa_test.
move: 'DE' to wa_test-spras.
update zithtest set spras = wa_test-spras
where matnr eq wa_test-matnr.
write: sy-subrc.
select * from zithtest into wa_test.
write: / wa_test.
Result: sy-subrc = 0 and the primary key has been updated.
By the way - reward points to Rob, as he has given the correct solution.
Best regards
Edited by: Stephan Theis on Jan 17, 2008 9:50 PM
2008 Jan 17 9:07 PM
Stephan - unfortunately, when it happened to me I had argued longer and harder that it was impossible
2008 Jan 17 9:18 PM
Hi Rob,
it was easy to test. Otherwise, I would have argued longer too.
Thanks again for a very useful hint!
Best regards
2008 Jan 17 9:27 PM
But I was soooo sure I was right, I didn't think I needed to test.
Just about always a mistake.
2008 Jan 16 9:07 PM
You can write a custom program with an Update query on the table.
Sudhir Atluru
2008 Jan 17 7:00 PM
This question is unanswered till the UPDATE statement is succesfull.