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Update the Status in CO02 without BDC

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ABAP gurus,

Is there a way to update the status of a production order in CO02 without doing a BDC? I want to tick the checkbox in "PRTD - Order Printed". We want to do this in batch, but is there a way to do this without doing a BDC? Is there a BAPI or a function module to update this?

Thanks in advance.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Check with these Function module


STATUS_CHANGE_INTERN_VB this will intern call the STATUS_UPDATE,

u need to pass the object number of the Production Order & the Status u want to change.

goto SE80 select Package BSV, where u can find lot of FM for Status Update..

Hope this will help u...

0 Kudos

actually i want to add the status. is this possible?


0 Kudos

U can use the above said FM or u can use this Bapi also BAPI_PRODORD_SETUSERSTATUS