2006 Feb 15 10:12 PM
I am facing a problem in unicode. Could you please help me on that. I will appreciate your help. I am pretty new to Unicode ABAP.
I have a strcuture as follows :
DATA: BEGIN OF special_dates,
dar LIKE p0041-dar01,
dat LIKE p0041-dat01,
END OF special_dates.
I am using this structure in the program as follows:
DO 12 TIMES VARYING special_dates
FROM special_dates-dar01
NEXT special_dates-dat01.
I am getting error as follows:
"P0041-DAR01" and "SPECIAL_DATES" are type-incompatible.
I am also getting the following error.
In Unicode programs, the "-" character cannot appear in names, as it
does here in the name "PNP-SW-FOUND".
I will be greatful for your help and time.
2006 Feb 15 10:37 PM
Hi Raj
DO like this.
DO 12 TIMES VARYING special_dates-DAR FROM P0041-DAR01 NEXT P0041-DAR02
VARYING special_dates-DAT FROM P0041-DAT01
NEXT P0041-DAT02.
Let me know if you need anything.
Suresh B Mannem
2006 Feb 15 10:18 PM
You should do...
DO 12 TIMES VARYING special_dates-dar01
DO 12 TIMES VARYING special_dates-dat01
2006 Feb 15 10:29 PM
Hi Alvaro,
I tried to do like that, but it gave another error :
Erroe: FROM, NEXT expected.
Please verify that.
Thanks however.
2006 Feb 15 10:25 PM
the complaint about the '-' will be resolved if you change sw-found in the data or type declaration to sw_found.
2006 Feb 15 10:37 PM
Hi Raj
DO like this.
DO 12 TIMES VARYING special_dates-DAR FROM P0041-DAR01 NEXT P0041-DAR02
VARYING special_dates-DAT FROM P0041-DAT01
NEXT P0041-DAT02.
Let me know if you need anything.
Suresh B Mannem
2006 Feb 15 11:23 PM
Oh Suresh Kudos to you. Problem vanished in no time. Thanks-a-lot ya. Just today I am doing this stupid Unicode work, It was so frustuating. Now my problem is resolved.
Please give me your personal mail id, I can ask you if I need anything.