2010 Jun 11 3:08 PM
We are planning to go live with our Unicode installation this year. We have already gone live with the ECC 6.0 upgrade (without unicode) last year.
I noticed that there are a number of old programs with the 'Unicode Checks Active' unchecked in production. Does SAP have a utility to check this flag in all Z and Y programs in some kind of a mass update or do I have to do all this manually?
I asked this question because in our sandbox (that has been upgraded for Unicode) all these programs seem to dump even if they do not have any Unicode related violations as confirmed by evaluations by transaction UCCHECK. Checking this flag causes them to function correctly again.
2010 Jun 11 4:03 PM
2010 Jun 11 4:03 PM
2010 Jun 11 4:22 PM
You may use SE16 for the table TRDIR with UCCHECK = ' ' and NAME = 'Z*' to detect custom objects without unicode check in the attributes.
2010 Jun 11 6:36 PM
Hello Mark,
You can set the unicode flag for all the programs at a time in UCCHECK itself. Enter Z* and Y* in UCCHECK selection screen. Select all the programs and hit the button Set unicode attribute button at the right hand top. This will set the flag for all the selected programs.
2010 Jun 11 8:02 PM
Please, read the document below. It´s VERY important.
Best regards,
Leandro Mengue
2010 Jun 11 8:04 PM
Setting the Unicode Flag only ensures that the program is compatible with Unicode Syntax and also you cannot execute non unicode program in a Unicode system.
UCCHECK is is designed to cover all Unicode adaptations needed. you can also set the flag using this.
Please note that customer programs have to be adapted and these needs rigorous testing too before going live in production.
You can take help of the following doc which covers possible errors in a Unicode System.
Many a times it would not show syntax error but during runtime it might create problem.
Let me know if you have any other queries. I have lately done a Unicode Migration of our client which spanned for about a year before we went live.
2010 Jun 14 3:32 PM
Hi friends,
Thanks for your replys. The common thread between all your replies is that transaction UCCHECK has a Unicode Attribute Set Button. I kind of figured that out myself but there was a little more to the problem.
There could be some programs lying in Q34 or recently modified in D34 that had not yet reached production. We had to identify all programs where the Unicode Active Check flag was blank and that were in the same version as production.
My course of action is as follows:
1) Write a program to identify all Z programs with:
a) Unicode Active Check flag as blank
b) Programs that are in the same version in D34 as in PRD.
2) Run the program written in step one to determine all the programs.
3) Enter all the program names in transaction UCCHECK to identify error free programs (from a Unicode perspective).
4) Set all their flags to 'X' using the Unicode Attribute Set Button.
5) Deal with programs that have errors and those with different versions in PRD as compared to D separately in consultation with the program owners.
I tried attaching the program that I wrote to this post so as to help somebody else facing the same issue but it appears all wierd in the preview. Let me know if there is anyway I can attach the program as an attachment or some other way.
Once again I would like to thank everybody who helped.
2024 Mar 01 12:12 PM
The above link does not open . I also need to help my client with Unicode Migration. Can you help me with any document.
2024 Mar 05 3:28 PM - edited 2024 Mar 05 3:29 PM
Unicode converson is nowadays a FAQ, start with 551344 - Unicode Conversion Documentation if allowed or one of the multiple blogs on Unicode System Migration.