2015 Mar 17 1:15 PM
Hi Experts,
I am unable to update Item Text Field sing BAPI_PO_CHANGE.
Here is my Code
CLEAR: lt_item[], lt_itemx[], lt_extensionin[].
***Udating standerd fields
str_item-po_item = str_itemx-po_item = ekpo-ebelp.
str_item-stge_loc = ekpo-lgort.
str_itemx-stge_loc = 'X'.
str_item-CONF_CTRL = '0004'.
str_itemx-CONF_CTRL = 'X'.
*** str_item-weightunit = ekpo-gewei.
*** str_itemx-weightunit = 'X'.
*** str_item-volume = ekpo-volum.
*** str_itemx-volume = 'X'.
*** str_item-volumeunit = ekpo-voleh.
*** str_itemx-volumeunit = 'X'.
APPEND str_item TO lt_item.
APPEND str_itemx TO lt_itemx.
*****************below is the issue***************
***Updateing Recharge flag
str_flag-PO_NUMBER = ekpo-ebeln.
str_flag-PO_ITEM = ekpo-ebelp.
str_flag-text_id = 'F99'.
str_flag-TEXT_FORM = ' '.
str_flag-text_line = stxl-tdspras.
APPEND str_flag TO lt_flag.
***Updating New Z-fields in EKPO*
str_bapi_te_mepoitemx-po_item = ekpo-ebelp.
str_bapi_te_mepoitemx-zzdest_wellsite = 'X'.
str_bapi_te_mepoitemx-zzkostl_tms = 'X'.
str_bapi_te_mepoitem-po_item = ekpo-ebelp.
str_bapi_te_mepoitem-zzdest_wellsite = ekpo-zzdest_wellsite.
str_bapi_te_mepoitem-zzkostl_tms = ekpo-zzkostl_tms .
str_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOITEM'.
str_extensionin-valuepart1 = str_bapi_te_mepoitem.
APPEND str_extensionin TO lt_extensionin.
str_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOITEMX'.
str_extensionin-valuepart1 = str_bapi_te_mepoitemx.
APPEND str_extensionin TO lt_extensionin.
purchaseorder = ekpo-ebeln
return = i_return
poitem = lt_item
poitemx = lt_itemx
extensionin = lt_extensionin
POTEXTITEM = lt_flag.
wait = 'X'.
please let me know what is the issue or any alternate way to update it.
Aniket Kumar
2015 Mar 17 10:28 PM
Hi Aniket,
You should check for error before calling BAPI_COMMIT. Anyway, this is not why you are getting errors. You should check i_return and maybe post here what messages you are getting than it would be easier for us to help you.
Still, I have a guess that this text id is wrong. Where did you get this text_id from?
2015 Mar 18 8:11 AM
Could you analyze the RETURN parameter for errors, or at least check thru transaction SE75 for allowed ID for object EKPO (F99?)
2015 Mar 19 11:11 AM
Hi Aniket,
For PO item text, the text id is F01.
Change your code as below and check.
str_flag-PO_NUMBER = ekpo-ebeln.
str_flag-PO_ITEM = ekpo-ebelp.
str_flag-text_id = 'F01'.
str_flag-text_line = 'Your text'.
APPEND str_flag TO lt_flag.
2015 Mar 19 12:03 PM
Hi Aniket
Text id is 'F01'. You can see the Text id - > double click the text area in PO, then Tab 'GOTO' -> Click Header.
2015 Mar 19 12:09 PM
Hi Aniket,
Another one you passed Language to text line(str_flag-text_line = stxl-tdspras.). Please change and pass your text.