2021 Jan 26 9:41 AM
Hello Team,
I have one user who is using ZALL_DOA_M tcode but he is having display access and he wants change access.
But when i try to take SU53 screenshot it not showing anything. In ST01 tcode same is happening.
Can you please guide me in this case.
2021 Jan 26 9:48 AM
2021 Jan 26 9:52 AM
Hello Sanil,
I created test user in the test system and assigned same roles to him and it's working for a test user.
But dont know what is happening with Prodcution.
2021 Jan 26 10:11 AM
It is a custom transaction, so i cannot tell you what is the issue. I would debug and check what is written in the code. I have seen sometimes, customers write specific validations in the code itself, which are related to Authorization. The only thing, you can do is to debug and check.
Sanil Bhandari
2021 Jan 26 10:34 AM
Hi Amol,
Kindly follow the below steps to get the authorization Objects:
1. Go to SE16N Transaction Code
2. Provide Table TSTAVT and then Press Enter
3.Now enter the Transaction Code(Field Name: TCODE) which you are looking the authorization objects
4. Now click on Execute and you will find the autorization objects in Field Name - Object & Technical Name - OBJCT
Best Regards,
Repakula Manoj
2021 Feb 05 1:23 PM
/h to debug at authorization check, or simply set break-point at that alert message (type I)