2008 Mar 21 9:49 AM
2008 Mar 21 9:54 AM
You will have to explicitly transport the table and then the data...
Hope this helps.
2008 Mar 21 10:05 AM
You can manually create a transport with Program ID R3TR, Object Type, TABU, Object Name name of your table. You can then enter a key to restrict which records are transported.
Alternatively, in the table maintenance, select the radio button "Standard recording routine". This will cause a pop-up for a transport number whenever data is changed within the table.
Hope this helps.
Sourabh Verma
2008 Mar 21 1:12 PM
You can use the client copy to create, for example the following clients:
new clients from the SAP reference client 000 during initial installation of an R/3 System.
training clients
demo clients
test clients
production clients
The source client can be in the same or another system.You can copy selected parts of an existing client into another client, e.g. the user master data with the copy profile SAP_USER, with the client copy tools.
You can copy the following components of the source client into the target client:
User master data: User master data is only deleted in the target system if a profile with user master data is copied. Authorization profiles and roles belong to customizing and are therefore always copied with it. Copying users without authorization profiles is problematic, so the copy profile SAP_USER contains authorization profiles and roles as well.
Customizing: All profiles except SAP_USER contain customizing. Customizing data is generally in tables with delivery classes C, G, E and S.
Cross-client customizing: Choose a profile with this data type for example when you want to create a test system which is analogous to the production system, and no system copy is to be made.
Resource Requirements
Copying clients requires a large amount of system resources. To avoid premature termination due to bottlenecks, you should ensure that enough resources are available by considering the following points:
Database storage space
Perform a test run before copying a client. The total of copied and deleted data in kB is at the end of the log file.
For ORACLE, INFORMIX, ADABAS and DB2/CS databases, you can check the test run log to see whether there is sufficient database space available.
Copying a client can take several hours or even days. Users or background processes in clients other than the source or target clients, can make the time longer. For example, locks in a third client in the same system can obstruct the processing of individual objects. You can technically work in the system while client copy is running, but you are strongly advised not to do so, or only in exceptional cases.
System load
Copying or transporting a client can take a long time because large amounts of data are moved. One or more dialog processes are occupied for this time. The database interface is heavily loaded.
2008 Mar 21 1:13 PM
Hi Sha,
I Hope my answer is useful to you.
If it is useful Plse award me points
2008 Mar 21 5:39 PM
Just to add-in to the above comments
If your table is of type "C" -> customising table
then you can transport data using transport requests.. in Table maintainance..there is an option to do so
Also ..Pls reward all helpful answers
It encourages fellow SDN members to give you additional input
2008 Mar 22 12:17 AM
if you maintain the transport request manually you can put the table + the table entries into a workbench transport. The checks for transport consistency are not too strict there.