2017 Jun 20 11:49 AM
Hi Team,
Can I use the two interactive options set pf-status and user_command action on the ALV Report output.is it possible.please suggest me.
2017 Jun 20 3:25 PM
Which ALV type ? Object or Function module.
The answer to both is yes you can, but the way you do it is different. Object is via event handlers, Function groups via call back routines. this is all fairly well documented.
2017 Jun 20 7:10 PM
throught function modules "ALV_REUSE_HIER_LIST_DISPLAY".When i used set pf-status..then.i_call_back_user_command .routine is not triggered,while checking in debugging.
How can I achieve this.
2017 Jun 21 7:03 AM
The only existing released function module for displaying an ALV as a hierarchical-sequential list is REUSE_ALV_HIERSEQ_LIST_DISPLAY.
The feature of setting your own GUI status should work, the buttons should trigger the subroutine defined in I_CALL_BACK_USER_COMMAND parameter (+ in the program defined in I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM parameter), so please give your code. Have a look at demo program BCALV_TEST_HIERSEQ_LIST_EVENTS, maybe it contains a part for demonstrating own GUI status. Did you define the subroutine as per the instructions in ABAP documentation? I think it should be :
FORM nom
2017 Jun 28 12:17 PM
Hi Sandra,
i have to do two interactive actions here.when select the check box and click on Reprocess ..it is working fine.and I want another interactive is when click on delivery number '600016749'.it should go to the t-code VL03N.
Second interactive is not working.
code :
lv_layout-box_fieldname = 'CHECKBOX'.
i_callback_program = sy-repid
i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF_STATUS'
is_layout = lv_layout
FORM user_command USING value(fp_ucomm) LIKE sy-ucomm
fp_selfld TYPE kkblo_selfield.
DATA: lr_docnum TYPE RANGE OF edidc-docnum,
lr_status TYPE RANGE OF edidc-status,
ls_docnum LIKE LINE OF lr_docnum,
ls_status LIKE LINE OF lr_status,
ls_header TYPE tp_header,
ls_params TYPE pri_params,
DATA :wl_item TYPE tp_item.
CASE fp_ucomm.
........this code triggers for SET-PF STATUS
WHEN '&IC1'.
I have written code here to navigate to T-code VL03N..when we click on delivery number.
But This code hasn't triggered..help me out here.
2017 Jun 29 7:20 AM
2017 Jun 29 8:09 AM
The first 'reprocess' is a user command. The second would be a hotspot which are two different events.
2017 Jun 29 8:13 AM
Hi Richard,
I want to know .how to work that hotspot on ALV Report for interactive,kindly help me out.
2017 Jun 29 12:29 PM