2007 Aug 01 5:37 AM
Hi All,
wat exactly we look for in st02, daily i use to check to know wat exactly it does.
In st02 it showing red in SWAP coloumn, what does it mean, and if problem occurs, wat is the procedure to ovecome.
Any body , plz provide me the details.
Thanks & Regards
2007 Aug 01 6:09 AM
Tune summary is status of different types of buffer in SAP.
****Reward points if Helpful*****
2007 Aug 01 1:46 PM
Hello Ahmed,
ST22 show memory and buffer utilization, each buffer is used for diffrent thing so there is no absolut aswer, the swapped column show the memory that is swapped out by the operation system.
i recomend that you use the F1 (hepl) button more often, its the only way to learn.
Have a good one,
Uri Lifshitz.