2011 Mar 02 1:23 PM
Hi All,
I am implementing BADI in one system,and trying to run me21n in another system.Is there any alternate other that break point to trigger BADI from one system to other sytem?
2011 Mar 02 1:29 PM
What exactly are you trying to do?
The breakpoint needs to be set in the system and client 'you want to stop in'. Is the problem access to the editor in the client you want the breakpoint? If for a different user this can be specified in the options.
2011 Mar 02 2:04 PM
I am writing code in a BADI,of SNC System in client 100 and trying to create PO me21n in ECC System in another client(testing),so how this BADI will get trigger? is it possible?
2011 Mar 02 2:19 PM
You can go for Set/Delete External Break-point.
Without setting the External Break-point/ Internal Session Break-point, you cann't debug the code.
2011 Mar 02 5:48 PM
Have you activated the badi?
If so and it is the same system just another client as long as you add the breakpoint into the client you want it to stop in it should stop.
You can also code in 'break <user id>' in the dev client but remember to remove before transport.