2010 Oct 03 3:51 PM
Dear Experts.
I created a Table using the T.Code SE11 and Genere a Table of Maintenance.
I want that When I update data in the table in dev, the system genere transport request and can transport to other enviroment.
2010 Oct 03 6:26 PM
Create a maintenance view for the same as it will be much easier to track the changes as well as trasnport.
Also , select the Recording routine as "standard".
2010 Oct 03 6:09 PM
Goto se80 and create your own package and save all your work in that package created. By doing so, your data will be updated when you send your transport request providing the transport request number. So when you update entry and save it, and transfer your package, it will get updated.
Hope this is useful to you.
2010 Oct 03 6:26 PM
Create a maintenance view for the same as it will be much easier to track the changes as well as trasnport.
Also , select the Recording routine as "standard".
2010 Oct 03 6:56 PM
I created a maintenance view for the same. But The system not create a trasnport when I intro datas y press the button SAVE.